T3000 CrossPlatform Documentation
FastColoredTextBox Class |
[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]
Fast colored textbox
Inheritance Hierarchy
SystemObject SystemMarshalByRefObject
Namespace: FastColoredTextBoxNS
Assembly: FastColoredTextBox (in FastColoredTextBox.dll) Version: (
The FastColoredTextBox type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
FastColoredTextBox |
Name | Description | |
AcceptsReturn |
Indicates if return characters are accepted as input
| |
AcceptsTab |
Indicates if tab characters are accepted as input
| |
AccessibilityObject | (Inherited from Control.) | |
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription | (Inherited from Control.) | |
AccessibleDescription | (Inherited from Control.) | |
AccessibleName | (Inherited from Control.) | |
AccessibleRole | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ActiveControl | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
AllowDrop |
Allows drag and drop
(Overrides ControlAllowDrop.) | |
AllowMacroRecording |
Allows to record macros.
| |
AllowSeveralTextStyleDrawing |
Allows text rendering several styles same time.
| |
Anchor | (Inherited from Control.) | |
AutoCompleteBrackets |
AutoComplete brackets
| |
AutoCompleteBracketsList |
| |
AutoIndent |
Allows AutoIndent. Inserts spaces before new line.
| |
AutoIndentChars |
Enables AutoIndentChars mode
| |
AutoIndentCharsPatterns |
Regex patterns for AutoIndentChars (one regex per line)
| |
AutoIndentExistingLines |
Does autoindenting in existing lines. It works only if AutoIndent is True.
| |
AutoScaleDimensions | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
AutoScaleFactor | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
AutoScaleMode | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
AutoScroll |
Do not change this property
(Overrides ScrollableControlAutoScroll.) | |
AutoScrollMargin | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
AutoScrollMinSize | ||
AutoScrollOffset | (Inherited from Control.) | |
AutoScrollPosition | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
AutoSize | (Inherited from UserControl.) | |
AutoSizeMode | (Inherited from UserControl.) | |
AutoValidate | (Inherited from UserControl.) | |
BackBrush |
Background brush.
If Null then BackColor is used.
| |
BackColor |
Background color.
It is used if BackBrush is null.
(Overrides ControlBackColor.) | |
BackgroundImage | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BackgroundImageLayout | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BindingContext | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
BookmarkColor |
Color of bookmarks
| |
Bookmarks |
| |
BorderStyle | (Inherited from UserControl.) | |
Bottom | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Bounds | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BracketsHighlightStrategy |
Strategy of search of brackets to highlighting
| |
BracketsStyle |
Style for brackets highlighting
| |
BracketsStyle2 |
Style for alternative brackets highlighting
| |
CanEnableIme | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
CanFocus | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CanRaiseEvents | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CanSelect | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Capture | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CaretBlinking |
Enables caret blinking
| |
CaretColor |
Color of caret
| |
CaretVisible |
Shows or hides the caret
| |
CausesValidation | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ChangedLineColor |
Background color for highlighting of changed lines
| |
CharHeight |
Height of char in pixels (includes LineInterval)
| |
CharWidth |
Width of char in pixels
| |
ClientRectangle | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ClientSize | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CommentPrefix |
Comment line prefix.
| |
CompanyName | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Container | (Inherited from Component.) | |
ContainsFocus | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ContextMenu | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ContextMenuStrip | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Controls | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Created | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CreateParams | (Inherited from UserControl.) | |
CurrentAutoScaleDimensions | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
CurrentLineColor |
Background color for current line
| |
Cursor | (Overrides ControlCursor.) | |
DataBindings | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultCursor | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultImeMode | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultMargin | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultMaximumSize | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultMinimumSize | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultPadding | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DefaultSize | (Inherited from UserControl.) | |
DefaultStyle |
Default text style
This style is using when no one other TextStyle is not defined in Char.style
| |
DelayedEventsInterval |
Minimal delay(ms) for delayed events (except TextChangedDelayed).
| |
DelayedTextChangedInterval |
Minimal delay(ms) for TextChangedDelayed event.
| |
DescriptionFile |
XML file with description of syntax highlighting.
This property works only with Language == Language.Custom.
| |
DesignMode | (Inherited from Component.) | |
DisabledColor |
Color of disabled component
| |
DisplayRectangle | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
Disposing | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Dock | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DockPadding | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
DoubleBuffered | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Enabled | (Inherited from Control.) | |
EndFoldingLine |
End line index of current highlighted folding area. Return -1 if end of area is not found.
| |
Events | (Inherited from Component.) | |
FindEndOfFoldingBlockStrategy |
Strategy of search of end of folding block
| |
findForm | ||
Focused | (Inherited from Control.) | |
FoldedBlocks |
Contains UniqueId of start lines of folded blocks
| |
FoldedBlockStyle |
Style for folded block rendering
| |
FoldingIndicatorColor |
Color of folding area indicator
| |
Font |
(Overrides ControlFont.) | |
FontHeight | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ForeColor |
Fore color (default style color)
(Overrides ControlForeColor.) | |
Handle | (Inherited from Control.) | |
HasChildren | (Inherited from Control.) | |
HasSourceTextBox | ||
Height | (Inherited from Control.) | |
HighlightFoldingIndicator |
Enables folding indicator (left vertical line between folding bounds)
| |
HighlightingRangeType |
This property specifies which part of the text will be highlighted as you type (by built-in highlighter).
| |
Hints |
Collection of Hints.
This is temporary buffer for currently displayed hints.
| |
HorizontalScroll | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
Hotkeys |
Hotkeys. Do not use this property in your code, use HotkeysMapping property.
| |
HotkeysMapping |
Hotkeys mapping
| |
HScroll | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
Html |
Gets colored text as HTML
| |
ImeAllowed |
Indicates that IME is allowed (for CJK language entering)
| |
ImeMode | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ImeModeBase | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IndentBackColor |
Background color of indent area
| |
InputsColor | ||
InvokeRequired | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsAccessible | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsChanged |
Text was changed
| |
IsDisposed | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsHandleCreated | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsMirrored | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsReplaceMode |
Is keyboard in replace mode (wide caret) ?
| |
ItemInt32 |
Gets Line
| |
ItemPlace |
Gets or sets char and styleId for given place
This property does not fire OnTextChanged event
| |
Language |
Language for highlighting by built-in highlighter.
| |
LayoutEngine | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Left | (Inherited from Control.) | |
LeftBracket |
Opening bracket for brackets highlighting.
Set to '\x0' for disable brackets highlighting.
| |
LeftBracket2 |
Alternative opening bracket for brackets highlighting.
Set to '\x0' for disable brackets highlighting.
| |
LeftBracketPosition |
Position of left highlighted bracket.
| |
LeftBracketPosition2 |
Position of left highlighted alternative bracket.
| |
LeftIndent |
Left distance to text beginning
| |
LeftPadding |
Left padding in pixels
| |
LineInterval |
Interval between lines (in pixels)
| |
LineNumberColor |
Color of line numbers.
| |
LineNumberStartValue |
Start value of first line number.
| |
Lines |
Text lines
| |
LinesCount |
Count of lines
| |
Location | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MacrosManager |
MacrosManager records, stores and executes the macroses
| |
Margin | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MaximumSize | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MinimumSize | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Multiline |
| |
Name | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OutputsColor | ||
Padding |
--Do not use this property--
| |
PaddingBackColor |
Background color of padding area
| |
Paddings |
Padings of text area
| |
Parent | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ParentForm | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
PreferredLineWidth |
This property draws vertical line after defined char position.
Set to 0 for disable drawing of vertical line.
| |
PreferredSize | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ProductName | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ProductVersion | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Range |
Range of all text
| |
ReadOnly |
Read only
| |
RecreatingHandle | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RedoEnabled |
Is redo enabled?
| |
Region | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RenderRightToLeft | Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.) | |
replaceForm | ||
ReservedCountOfLineNumberChars |
Reserved space for line number characters.
If smaller than needed (e. g. line count >= 10 and this value set to 1) this value will have no impact.
If you want to reserve space, e. g. for line numbers >= 10 or >= 100 than you can set this value to 2 or 3 or higher.
| |
ResizeRedraw | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Right | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RightBracket |
Closing bracket for brackets highlighting.
Set to '\x0' for disable brackets highlighting.
| |
RightBracket2 |
Alternative closing bracket for brackets highlighting.
Set to '\x0' for disable brackets highlighting.
| |
RightBracketPosition |
Position of right highlighted bracket.
| |
RightBracketPosition2 |
Position of right highlighted alternative bracket.
| |
RightToLeft | ||
Rtf |
Gets colored text as RTF
| |
ScaleChildren | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SelectedText |
Text of current selection
| |
Selection |
Current selection range
| |
SelectionColor |
Color of selected area
| |
SelectionHighlightingForLineBreaksEnabled |
If true then line breaks included into the selection will be selected too.
Then line breaks will be shown as selected blank character.
| |
SelectionLength |
Length of selected text
| |
SelectionStart |
Start position of selection
| |
SelectionStyle |
Style for rendering Selection area
| |
ServiceColors |
Colors of some service visual markers
| |
ServiceLinesColor |
Color of service lines (folding lines, borders of blocks etc.)
| |
ShowCaretWhenInactive |
Draw caret when the control is not focused
| |
ShowFocusCues | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ShowFoldingLines |
Shows vertical lines between folding start line and folding end line.
| |
ShowKeyboardCues | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ShowLineNumbers |
Shows line numbers.
| |
ShowScrollBars | ||
Site | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Size | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SourceTextBox |
The source of the text.
Allows to get text from other FastColoredTextBox.
| |
StartFoldingLine |
Start line index of current highlighted folding area. Return -1 if start of area is not found.
| |
Styles |
| |
SyntaxHighlighter |
Syntax Highlighter
| |
TabIndex | (Inherited from Control.) | |
TabLength |
Spaces count for tab
| |
TabStop | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Tag | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Text |
Text of control
(Overrides UserControlText.) | |
TextAreaBorder |
Type of border of text area
| |
TextAreaBorderColor |
Color of border of text area
| |
TextAreaRect |
Rectangle where located text
| |
TextLength | ||
TextSource |
| |
TextVersion |
Text version
| |
ToolTip |
ToolTip component
| |
ToolTipDelay |
Delay (ms) of ToolTip
| |
Top | (Inherited from Control.) | |
TopLevelControl | (Inherited from Control.) | |
UndoEnabled |
Is undo enabled?
| |
UseWaitCursor | (Inherited from Control.) | |
VariablesColor | ||
VerticalScroll | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
VirtualSpace |
Enables virtual spaces
| |
Visible | (Inherited from Control.) | |
VisibleRange |
Returns current visible range of text
| |
VScroll | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
WideCaret |
Wide caret
| |
Width | (Inherited from Control.) | |
WindowTarget | (Inherited from Control.) | |
WordWrap |
| |
WordWrapAutoIndent |
Automatically shifts secondary wordwrap lines on the shift amount of the first line
| |
WordWrapIndent |
Indent of secondary wordwrap lines (in chars)
| |
WordWrapMode |
WordWrap mode.
| |
Zoom |
Zooming (in percentages)
Name | Description | |
AccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents, Int32) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
AccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents, Int32, Int32) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
AddHint(Range, String) |
Add and shows simple text hint
| |
AddHint(Range, Control) |
Add and shows the hint
| |
AddHint(Range, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
Add and shows simple text hint
| |
AddHint(Range, Control, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
Add and shows the hint
| |
AddStyle |
Add new style
| |
AddVisualMarker | ||
AdjustFolding |
Collapse folding blocks using FoldedBlocks dictionary.
| |
AdjustFormScrollbars | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
AppendText(String) |
Append string to end of the Text
| |
AppendText(String, Style) |
Append string to end of the Text
| |
BeginAutoUndo |
Begins AutoUndo block.
All changes of text between BeginAutoUndo() and EndAutoUndo() will be canceled in one operation Undo.
| |
BeginInvoke(Delegate) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BeginInvoke(Delegate, Object) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BeginUpdate |
Call this method before multiple text changing
| |
BookmarkLine |
Bookmarks line
| |
BringToFront | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CalcAutoIndent |
Returns needed start space count for the line
| |
CalcCutOffs |
Calculates wordwrap cutoffs
| |
ChangeFontSize | ||
CheckAndChangeSelectionType | ||
CheckStylesBufferSize |
Checks if the styles buffer has enough space to add one
more element. If not, an exception is thrown. Otherwise,
the index of a free slot is returned.
| |
Clear |
Clear text, styles, history, caches
| |
ClearCurrentLine |
Deletes current line(s)
| |
ClearHints |
Removes all hints
| |
ClearSelected |
Deletes selected chars
| |
ClearStyle |
Clear style of all text
| |
ClearStylesBuffer |
Clear buffer of styles
| |
ClearUndo |
Clears undo and redo stacks
| |
CloseBindingFile |
Close file binding mode
| |
CollapseAllFoldingBlocks |
Collapses all folding blocks
| |
CollapseBlock |
Collapse text block
| |
CollapseFoldingBlock |
Collapses folding block
| |
CommentSelected |
Insert/remove comment prefix into selected lines
| |
CommentSelected(String) |
Insert/remove comment prefix into selected lines
| |
Contains | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Copy |
Copy selected text into Clipboard
| |
CreateAccessibilityInstance | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CreateControl | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CreateControlsInstance | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CreateGraphics | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CreateHandle | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CreateObjRef | (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
CreateTextSource | ||
Cut |
Cut selected text into Clipboard
| |
DecreaseIndent |
Remove TAB from front of seletcted lines.
| |
DecreaseIndentOfSingleLine |
Remove TAB in front of the caret ot the selected line.
| |
DefWndProc | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DestroyHandle | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Dispose | (Inherited from Component.) | |
Dispose(Boolean) | Releases the unmanaged resources used by the FastColoredTextBox and optionally releases the managed resources (Overrides ContainerControlDispose(Boolean).) | |
DoAutoIndent |
Insert autoindents into selected lines
| |
DoAutoIndent(Int32) |
Inserts autoindent's spaces in the line
| |
DoAutoIndentChars(Int32) |
Do AutoIndentChars
| |
DoAutoIndentChars(Int32, Regex) | ||
DoAutoIndentIfNeed | ||
DoCaretVisible |
Scroll control for display caret
| |
DoDragDrop(Object, DragDropEffects) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DoDragDrop(Place, String) | ||
DoRangeVisible(Range) |
Scroll control for display given range
| |
DoRangeVisible(Range, Boolean) |
Scroll control for display given range
| |
DoSelectionVisible |
Scroll control for display selection area
| |
DrawFoldingLines | ||
DrawText |
Draws text to given Graphics
| |
DrawToBitmap | (Inherited from Control.) | |
EndAutoUndo |
Ends AutoUndo block.
All changes of text between BeginAutoUndo() and EndAutoUndo() will be canceled in one operation Undo.
| |
EndInvoke | (Inherited from Control.) | |
EndUpdate |
Call this method after multiple text changing
| |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
ExpandAllFoldingBlocks |
Exapnds all folded blocks
| |
ExpandBlock(Int32) |
Expand collapsed block
| |
ExpandBlock(Int32, Int32) |
Expand collapsed block
| |
ExpandFoldedBlock |
Exapnds folded block
| |
Finalize | (Inherited from Component.) | |
FindChar |
Finds given char after current caret position, moves the caret to found pos.
| |
FindEndOfFoldingBlock | ||
FindForm | (Inherited from Control.) | |
FindLines |
Search lines by regex pattern
| |
Focus | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetAccessibilityObjectById | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetAutoSizeMode | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetBracketsRange |
Returns range between brackets (or null if not found)
| |
GetCharSize | ||
GetChildAtPoint(Point) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetChildAtPoint(Point, GetChildAtPointSkip) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetContainerControl | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetHashCode | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetLifetimeService | (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
GetLine |
Get range of line
| |
GetLineFoldingEndMarker |
End foilding marker for the line
| |
GetLineFoldingStartMarker |
Start foilding marker for the line
| |
GetLineLength |
Gets length of given line
| |
GetLineText |
Get text of given line
| |
GetMaxStartSpacesCount | ||
GetMinStartSpacesCount | ||
GetNextControl | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetPreferredSize | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetRange(Int32, Int32) |
Get range of text
| |
GetRange(Place, Place) |
Get range of text
| |
GetRanges(String) |
Finds ranges for given regex pattern
| |
GetRanges(String, RegexOptions) |
Finds ranges for given regex pattern
| |
GetScaledBounds | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetScrollState | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
GetService | (Inherited from Component.) | |
GetStyle | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetStyleIndex |
Returns index of the style in Styles
-1 otherwise
| |
GetStyleIndexMask |
Returns StyleIndex mask of given styles
| |
GetStylesOfChar |
Returns list of styles of given place
| |
GetTopLevel | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetType | (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetVisibleState |
Returns VisibleState of the line
| |
GoEnd |
Move caret to end of text
| |
GoHome |
Move caret to first position
| |
GotoNextBookmark |
Scrolls to nearest bookmark or to first bookmark
| |
GotoPrevBookmark |
Scrolls to nearest previous bookmark or to last bookmark
| |
Hide | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IncreaseIndent |
Insert TAB into front of seletcted lines.
| |
InitializeLifetimeService | (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
InitLayout | (Inherited from Control.) | |
InitTextSource | ||
InsertChar | ||
InsertLinePrefix |
Insert prefix into front of seletcted lines
| |
InsertText(String) |
Insert text into current selected position
| |
InsertText(String, Style) |
Insert text into current selection position (with predefined style)
| |
InsertText(String, Boolean) |
Insert text into current selected position
| |
InsertText(String, Style, Boolean) |
Insert text into current selection position (with predefined style)
| |
InsertTextAndRestoreSelection |
Insert text into replaceRange and restore previous selection
| |
Invalidate |
Invalidates the entire surface of the control and causes the control to be redrawn.
This method is thread safe and does not require Invoke.
| |
Invalidate(Region) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invalidate(Boolean) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invalidate(Rectangle) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invalidate(Region, Boolean) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invalidate(Rectangle, Boolean) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invoke(Delegate) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invoke(Delegate, Object) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
InvokeGotFocus | (Inherited from Control.) | |
InvokeLostFocus | (Inherited from Control.) | |
InvokeOnClick | (Inherited from Control.) | |
InvokePaint | (Inherited from Control.) | |
InvokePaintBackground | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsCJKLetter | ||
IsInputChar | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsInputKey | (Overrides ControlIsInputKey(Keys).) | |
LowerCase |
Convert selected text to lower case
| |
MemberwiseClone | (Inherited from Object.) | |
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) | (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.) | |
MoveSelectedLinesDown |
Moves selected lines down
| |
MoveSelectedLinesUp |
Moves selected lines up
| |
Navigate |
Navigates to defined line, without Line.LastVisit reseting
| |
NavigateBackward |
Navigates backward (by Line.LastVisit property)
| |
NavigateForward |
Navigates forward (by Line.LastVisit property)
| |
NeedRecalc |
Call this method if the recalc of the position of lines is needed.
| |
NeedRecalc(Boolean) |
Call this method if the recalc of the position of lines is needed.
| |
NeedRecalc(Boolean, Boolean) |
Call this method if the recalc of the position of lines is needed.
| |
NotifyInvalidate | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnAutoSizeChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnAutoValidateChanged | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
OnBackColorChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnBackgroundImageChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnBindingContextChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnCausesValidationChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnChangeUICues | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnCharSizeChanged | ||
OnClick | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnClientSizeChanged | (Overrides ControlOnClientSizeChanged(EventArgs).) | |
OnContextMenuChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnContextMenuStripChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnControlAdded | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnControlRemoved | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnCreateClipboardData | ||
OnCreateControl | (Inherited from UserControl.) | |
OnCursorChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnCustomAction | ||
OnDockChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnDoubleClick | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnDragDrop | (Overrides ControlOnDragDrop(DragEventArgs).) | |
OnDragEnter | (Overrides ControlOnDragEnter(DragEventArgs).) | |
OnDragLeave | (Overrides ControlOnDragLeave(EventArgs).) | |
OnDragOver | (Overrides ControlOnDragOver(DragEventArgs).) | |
OnEnabledChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnEnter | (Overrides ControlOnEnter(EventArgs).) | |
OnFoldingHighlightChanged | ||
OnFontChanged | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
OnForeColorChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnGiveFeedback | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnGotFocus | (Overrides ControlOnGotFocus(EventArgs).) | |
OnHandleCreated | (Overrides ControlOnHandleCreated(EventArgs).) | |
OnHandleDestroyed | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnHelpRequested | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnHintClick |
Occurs when user click on the hint
| |
OnImeModeChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnInvalidated | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnKeyDown | (Overrides ControlOnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs).) | |
OnKeyPress | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnKeyPressed | ||
OnKeyPressing | ||
OnKeyUp | (Overrides ControlOnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs).) | |
OnLayout | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
OnLeave | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnLoad | (Overrides UserControlOnLoad(EventArgs).) | |
OnLocationChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnLostFocus | (Overrides ControlOnLostFocus(EventArgs).) | |
OnMarginChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMarkerClick | ||
OnMarkerDoubleClick | ||
OnMouseCaptureChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseClick | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseDoubleClick | (Overrides ControlOnMouseDoubleClick(MouseEventArgs).) | |
OnMouseDown | (Overrides UserControlOnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs).) | |
OnMouseEnter | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseHover | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseLeave | (Overrides ControlOnMouseLeave(EventArgs).) | |
OnMouseMove | (Overrides ControlOnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs).) | |
OnMouseUp | (Overrides ControlOnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs).) | |
OnMouseWheel | (Overrides ScrollableControlOnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs).) | |
OnMove | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnNotifyMessage | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnPaddingChanged | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
OnPaint |
Draw control
(Overrides ControlOnPaint(PaintEventArgs).) | |
OnPaintBackground | (Overrides ScrollableControlOnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs).) | |
OnPaintLine | ||
OnParentBackColorChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentBackgroundImageChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentBindingContextChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentChanged | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
OnParentCursorChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentEnabledChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentFontChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentForeColorChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentRightToLeftChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnParentVisibleChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnPreviewKeyDown | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnPrint | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnQueryContinueDrag | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnRegionChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnResize | (Inherited from UserControl.) | |
OnRightToLeftChanged | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
OnScroll(ScrollEventArgs) | (Overrides ScrollableControlOnScroll(ScrollEventArgs).) | |
OnScroll(ScrollEventArgs, Boolean) | ||
OnScrollbarsUpdated | ||
OnSelectionChanged |
Fires SelectionChanged event
| |
OnSelectionChangedDelayed | ||
OnSizeChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnStyleChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnSyntaxHighlight | ||
OnSystemColorsChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnTabIndexChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnTabStopChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnTextChanged |
Fires TextChanged event
| |
OnTextChanged(EventArgs) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnTextChanged(Range) |
Fires TextChanged event
| |
OnTextChanged(TextChangedEventArgs) |
Fires TextChanged event
| |
OnTextChanged(Int32, Int32) |
Fires TextChanged event
| |
OnTextChangedDelayed | ||
OnTextChanging | ||
OnTextChanging(String) |
Fires TextChanging event
| |
OnToolTip | ||
OnUndoRedoStateChanged |
Occurs when undo/redo stack is changed
| |
OnValidated | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnValidating | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnVisibleChanged | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
OnVisibleRangeChanged |
Occurs when VisibleRange is changed
| |
OnVisibleRangeChangedDelayed | ||
OnVisualMarkerClick | ||
OnZoomChanged | ||
OpenBindingFile |
Open file binding mode
| |
OpenFile(String) |
Open text file (with automatic encoding detector)
| |
OpenFile(String, Encoding) |
Open text file
| |
Paste |
Paste text from clipboard into selected position
| |
PerformAutoScale | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
PerformLayout | (Inherited from Control.) | |
PerformLayout(Control, String) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
PlaceToPoint |
Gets point for given line and char position
| |
PlaceToPosition |
Gets absolute text position from line and char position
| |
PointToClient | (Inherited from Control.) | |
PointToPlace |
Gets nearest line and char position from coordinates
| |
PointToPosition |
Gets nearest absolute text position for given point
| |
PointToScreen | (Inherited from Control.) | |
PositionToPlace |
Gets line and char position from absolute text position
| |
PositionToPoint |
Gets absolute char position from char position
| |
PrepareHtmlForClipboard | ||
PrepareHtmlText | ||
PreProcessControlMessage | (Inherited from Control.) | |
PreProcessMessage | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Prints all text, without any dialog windows
| ||
Print(PrintDialogSettings) |
Prints all text
| |
Print(Range, PrintDialogSettings) |
Prints range of text
| |
ProcessCmdKey | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
ProcessDialogChar | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
ProcessDialogKey | (Overrides ContainerControlProcessDialogKey(Keys).) | |
ProcessKey(Keys) |
Process control keys
| |
ProcessKey(Char, Keys) |
Process "real" keys (no control)
| |
ProcessKeyEventArgs | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ProcessKeyMessage | (Overrides ControlProcessKeyMessage(Message).) | |
ProcessKeyPreview | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ProcessMnemonic | (Overrides ContainerControlProcessMnemonic(Char).) | |
ProcessTabKey | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
RaiseDragEvent | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RaiseKeyEvent | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RaiseMouseEvent | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RaisePaintEvent | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RecalcFoldingLines | ||
RecreateHandle | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RectangleToClient | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RectangleToScreen | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Redo |
| |
Refresh | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RemoveLinePrefix |
Remove prefix from front of selected lines
This method ignores forward spaces of the line
| |
RemoveLines |
Removes given lines
| |
ResetBackColor | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetBindings | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetCursor | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetFont | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetForeColor | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetImeMode | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetMouseEventArgs | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetRightToLeft | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResetText | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResumeLayout | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ResumeLayout(Boolean) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RtlTranslateAlignment(HorizontalAlignment) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RtlTranslateAlignment(LeftRightAlignment) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RtlTranslateAlignment(ContentAlignment) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RtlTranslateContent | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RtlTranslateHorizontal | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RtlTranslateLeftRight | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SaveToFile |
Save text to the file
| |
Scale(Single) | Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.) | |
Scale(SizeF) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Scale(Single, Single) | Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.) | |
ScaleControl | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
ScaleCore | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
ScrollControlIntoView | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
ScrollLeft |
Scroll control left
| |
ScrollToControl | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
Select | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Select(Boolean, Boolean) | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
SelectAll |
Select all chars of text
| |
SelectNext |
Selectes next fragment for given regex.
| |
SelectNextControl | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SendToBack | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SentenceCase |
Convert selected text to sentence case
| |
SetAutoScrollMargin | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
SetAutoSizeMode | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetBounds(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetBounds(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, BoundsSpecified) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetBoundsCore | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetClientSizeCore | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetClipboard | ||
SetDisplayRectLocation | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
SetScrollState | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
SetStyle | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetTopLevel | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetVisibleCore | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SetVisibleState |
Set VisibleState of line
| |
Show | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ShowFindDialog |
Shows find dialog
| |
ShowFindDialog(String) |
Shows find dialog
| |
ShowGoToDialog |
Shows Goto dialog form
| |
ShowReplaceDialog |
Shows replace dialog
| |
ShowReplaceDialog(String) |
Shows replace dialog
| |
SizeFromClientSize | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SuspendLayout | (Inherited from Control.) | |
TitleCase |
Convert selected text to title case
| |
ToString | (Inherited from Component.) | |
UnbookmarkLine |
Unbookmarks current line
| |
Undo |
Undo last operation
| |
Update | (Inherited from Control.) | |
UpdateBounds | (Inherited from Control.) | |
UpdateBounds(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
UpdateBounds(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | (Inherited from Control.) | |
UpdateDefaultButton | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
UpdateScrollbars |
Updates scrollbar position after Value changed
| |
UpdateStyles | (Inherited from Control.) | |
UpdateZOrder | (Inherited from Control.) | |
UpperCase |
Convert selected text to upper case
| |
Validate | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
Validate(Boolean) | (Inherited from ContainerControl.) | |
ValidateChildren | (Inherited from UserControl.) | |
ValidateChildren(ValidationConstraints) | (Inherited from UserControl.) | |
WndProc | (Overrides UserControlWndProc(Message).) |
Name | Description | |
AutoIndentNeeded |
It occurs when calculates AutoIndent for new line
| |
AutoSizeChanged | (Inherited from UserControl.) | |
AutoValidateChanged | (Inherited from UserControl.) | |
BackColorChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BackgroundImageChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BindingContextChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CausesValidationChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ChangeUICues | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Click | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ClientSizeChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ContextMenuChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ContextMenuStripChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ControlAdded | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ControlRemoved | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CursorChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CustomAction |
Occurs when user pressed key, that specified as CustomAction
| |
Disposed | (Inherited from Component.) | |
DockChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DoubleClick | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DragDrop | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DragEnter | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DragLeave | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DragOver | (Inherited from Control.) | |
EnabledChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Enter | (Inherited from Control.) | |
FoldingHighlightChanged |
Occurs when current highlighted folding area is changed.
Current folding area see in StartFoldingLine and EndFoldingLine.
| |
FontChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ForeColorChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GiveFeedback | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GotFocus | (Inherited from Control.) | |
HandleCreated | (Inherited from Control.) | |
HandleDestroyed | (Inherited from Control.) | |
HelpRequested | (Inherited from Control.) | |
HintClick |
HintClick event.
It occurs if user click on the hint.
| |
ImeModeChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Invalidated | (Inherited from Control.) | |
KeyDown | (Inherited from Control.) | |
KeyPress | (Inherited from Control.) | |
KeyPressed |
It occurs when visible char is enetered (alphabetic, digit, punctuation, DEL, BACKSPACE)
| |
KeyPressing |
It occurs when visible char is enetering (alphabetic, digit, punctuation, DEL, BACKSPACE)
| |
KeyUp | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Layout | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Leave | (Inherited from Control.) | |
LineInserted |
Occurs when line was inserted/added
| |
LineRemoved |
Occurs when line was removed
| |
Load | (Inherited from UserControl.) | |
LocationChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
LostFocus | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MarginChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseCaptureChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseClick | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseDoubleClick | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseDown | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseEnter | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseHover | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseLeave | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseMove | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseUp | (Inherited from Control.) | |
MouseWheel | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Move | (Inherited from Control.) | |
PaddingChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Paint | (Inherited from Control.) | |
PaintLine |
It occurs when line background is painting
| |
ParentChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Pasting |
Occurs when user paste text from clipboard
| |
PreviewKeyDown | (Inherited from Control.) | |
QueryAccessibilityHelp | (Inherited from Control.) | |
QueryContinueDrag | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RegionChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Resize | (Inherited from Control.) | |
RightToLeftChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Scroll | (Inherited from ScrollableControl.) | |
ScrollbarsUpdated |
Occurs when scroolbars are updated
| |
SelectionChanged |
SelectionChanged event.
It occurs after changing of selection.
| |
SelectionChangedDelayed |
SelectionChangedDelayed event.
It occurs after changing of selection.
This event occurs with a delay relative to SelectionChanged, and fires only once.
| |
SizeChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
StyleChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
SystemColorsChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
TabIndexChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
TabStopChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
TextChanged |
TextChanged event.
It occurs after insert, delete, clear, undo and redo operations.
| |
TextChangedDelayed |
TextChangedDelayed event.
It occurs after insert, delete, clear, undo and redo operations.
This event occurs with a delay relative to TextChanged, and fires only once.
| |
TextChanging |
TextChanging event.
It occurs before insert, delete, clear, undo and redo operations.
| |
ToolTipNeeded |
Occurs when mouse is moving over text and tooltip is needed
| |
UndoRedoStateChanged |
Occurs when undo/redo stack is changed
| |
Validated | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Validating | (Inherited from Control.) | |
VisibleChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
VisibleRangeChanged |
VisibleRangeChanged event.
It occurs after changing of visible range.
| |
VisibleRangeChangedDelayed |
VisibleRangeChangedDelayed event.
It occurs after changing of visible range.
This event occurs with a delay relative to VisibleRangeChanged, and fires only once.
| |
VisualMarkerClick |
It occurs when user click on VisualMarker.
| |
WordWrapNeeded |
Occurs when custom wordwrap is needed
| |
ZoomChanged |
Occurs when component was zoomed
Name | Description | |
AllowInsertRemoveLines | ||
draggedRange | ||
foldingPairs | ||
LineInfos | ||
needRecalc | ||
needRecalcWordWrap | ||
TextHeight |
See Also