FastColoredTextBox Properties

T3000 CrossPlatform

FastColoredTextBox Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The FastColoredTextBox type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAcceptsReturn
Indicates if return characters are accepted as input
Public propertyAcceptsTab
Indicates if tab characters are accepted as input
Public propertyAccessibilityObject (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAccessibleDefaultActionDescription (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAccessibleDescription (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAccessibleName (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAccessibleRole (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyActiveControl (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
Public propertyAllowDrop
Allows drag and drop
(Overrides ControlAllowDrop.)
Public propertyAllowMacroRecording
Allows to record macros.
Public propertyAllowSeveralTextStyleDrawing
Allows text rendering several styles same time.
Public propertyAnchor (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAutoCompleteBrackets
AutoComplete brackets
Public propertyAutoCompleteBracketsList
Public propertyAutoIndent
Allows AutoIndent. Inserts spaces before new line.
Public propertyAutoIndentChars
Enables AutoIndentChars mode
Public propertyAutoIndentCharsPatterns
Regex patterns for AutoIndentChars (one regex per line)
Public propertyAutoIndentExistingLines
Does autoindenting in existing lines. It works only if AutoIndent is True.
Public propertyAutoScaleDimensions (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
Protected propertyAutoScaleFactor (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
Public propertyAutoScaleMode (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
Public propertyAutoScroll
Do not change this property
(Overrides ScrollableControlAutoScroll.)
Public propertyAutoScrollMargin (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Public propertyAutoScrollMinSize
Public propertyAutoScrollOffset (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAutoScrollPosition (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Public propertyAutoSize (Inherited from UserControl.)
Public propertyAutoSizeMode (Inherited from UserControl.)
Public propertyAutoValidate (Inherited from UserControl.)
Public propertyBackBrush
Background brush. If Null then BackColor is used.
Public propertyBackColor
Background color. It is used if BackBrush is null.
(Overrides ControlBackColor.)
Public propertyBackgroundImage (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyBackgroundImageLayout (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyBindingContext (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
Public propertyBookmarkColor
Color of bookmarks
Public propertyBookmarks
Public propertyBorderStyle (Inherited from UserControl.)
Public propertyBottom (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyBounds (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyBracketsHighlightStrategy
Strategy of search of brackets to highlighting
Public propertyBracketsStyle
Style for brackets highlighting
Public propertyBracketsStyle2
Style for alternative brackets highlighting
Protected propertyCanEnableIme (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
Public propertyCanFocus (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyCanRaiseEvents (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyCanSelect (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyCapture (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyCaretBlinking
Enables caret blinking
Public propertyCaretColor
Color of caret
Public propertyCaretVisible
Shows or hides the caret
Public propertyCausesValidation (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyChangedLineColor
Background color for highlighting of changed lines
Public propertyCharHeight
Height of char in pixels (includes LineInterval)
Public propertyCharWidth
Width of char in pixels
Public propertyClientRectangle (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyClientSize (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyCommentPrefix
Comment line prefix.
Public propertyCompanyName (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyContainer (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyContainsFocus (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyContextMenu (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyContextMenuStrip (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyControls (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyCreated (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyCreateParams (Inherited from UserControl.)
Public propertyCurrentAutoScaleDimensions (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
Public propertyCurrentLineColor
Background color for current line
Public propertyCursor (Overrides ControlCursor.)
Public propertyDataBindings (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyDefaultCursor (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyDefaultImeMode (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyDefaultMargin (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyDefaultMaximumSize (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyDefaultMinimumSize (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyDefaultPadding (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyDefaultSize (Inherited from UserControl.)
Public propertyDefaultStyle
Default text style This style is using when no one other TextStyle is not defined in
Public propertyDelayedEventsInterval
Minimal delay(ms) for delayed events (except TextChangedDelayed).
Public propertyDelayedTextChangedInterval
Minimal delay(ms) for TextChangedDelayed event.
Public propertyDescriptionFile
XML file with description of syntax highlighting. This property works only with Language == Language.Custom.
Protected propertyDesignMode (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyDisabledColor
Color of disabled component
Public propertyDisplayRectangle (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Public propertyDisposing (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyDock (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyDockPadding (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Protected propertyDoubleBuffered (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyEnabled (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyEndFoldingLine
End line index of current highlighted folding area. Return -1 if end of area is not found.
Protected propertyEvents (Inherited from Component.)
Public propertyFindEndOfFoldingBlockStrategy
Strategy of search of end of folding block
Public propertyfindForm
Public propertyFocused (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFoldedBlocks
Contains UniqueId of start lines of folded blocks
Public propertyFoldedBlockStyle
Style for folded block rendering
Public propertyFoldingIndicatorColor
Color of folding area indicator
Public propertyFont
(Overrides ControlFont.)
Protected propertyFontHeight (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyForeColor
Fore color (default style color)
(Overrides ControlForeColor.)
Public propertyHandle (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyHasChildren (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyHasSourceTextBox
Public propertyHeight (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyHighlightFoldingIndicator
Enables folding indicator (left vertical line between folding bounds)
Public propertyHighlightingRangeType
This property specifies which part of the text will be highlighted as you type (by built-in highlighter).
Public propertyHints
Collection of Hints. This is temporary buffer for currently displayed hints.
Public propertyHorizontalScroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Public propertyHotkeys
Hotkeys. Do not use this property in your code, use HotkeysMapping property.
Public propertyHotkeysMapping
Hotkeys mapping
Protected propertyHScroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Public propertyHtml
Gets colored text as HTML
Public propertyImeAllowed
Indicates that IME is allowed (for CJK language entering)
Public propertyImeMode (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyImeModeBase (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyIndentBackColor
Background color of indent area
Public propertyInputsColor
Public propertyInvokeRequired (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyIsAccessible (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyIsChanged
Text was changed
Public propertyIsDisposed (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyIsHandleCreated (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyIsMirrored (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyIsReplaceMode
Is keyboard in replace mode (wide caret) ?
Public propertyItemInt32
Gets Line
Public propertyItemPlace
Gets or sets char and styleId for given place This property does not fire OnTextChanged event
Public propertyLanguage
Language for highlighting by built-in highlighter.
Public propertyLayoutEngine (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyLeft (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyLeftBracket
Opening bracket for brackets highlighting. Set to '\x0' for disable brackets highlighting.
Public propertyLeftBracket2
Alternative opening bracket for brackets highlighting. Set to '\x0' for disable brackets highlighting.
Public propertyLeftBracketPosition
Position of left highlighted bracket.
Public propertyLeftBracketPosition2
Position of left highlighted alternative bracket.
Public propertyLeftIndent
Left distance to text beginning
Public propertyLeftPadding
Left padding in pixels
Public propertyLineInterval
Interval between lines (in pixels)
Public propertyLineNumberColor
Color of line numbers.
Public propertyLineNumberStartValue
Start value of first line number.
Public propertyLines
Text lines
Public propertyLinesCount
Count of lines
Public propertyLocation (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyMacrosManager
MacrosManager records, stores and executes the macroses
Public propertyMargin (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyMaximumSize (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyMinimumSize (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyMultiline
Public propertyName (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyOutputsColor
Public propertyPadding
--Do not use this property--
Public propertyPaddingBackColor
Background color of padding area
Public propertyPaddings
Padings of text area
Public propertyParent (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyParentForm (Inherited from ContainerControl.)
Public propertyPreferredLineWidth
This property draws vertical line after defined char position. Set to 0 for disable drawing of vertical line.
Public propertyPreferredSize (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyProductName (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyProductVersion (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyRange
Range of all text
Public propertyReadOnly
Read only
Public propertyRecreatingHandle (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyRedoEnabled
Is redo enabled?
Public propertyRegion (Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyRenderRightToLeft Obsolete. (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyreplaceForm
Public propertyReservedCountOfLineNumberChars
Reserved space for line number characters. If smaller than needed (e. g. line count >= 10 and this value set to 1) this value will have no impact. If you want to reserve space, e. g. for line numbers >= 10 or >= 100 than you can set this value to 2 or 3 or higher.
Protected propertyResizeRedraw (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyRight (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyRightBracket
Closing bracket for brackets highlighting. Set to '\x0' for disable brackets highlighting.
Public propertyRightBracket2
Alternative closing bracket for brackets highlighting. Set to '\x0' for disable brackets highlighting.
Public propertyRightBracketPosition
Position of right highlighted bracket.
Public propertyRightBracketPosition2
Position of right highlighted alternative bracket.
Public propertyRightToLeft
Public propertyRtf
Gets colored text as RTF
Protected propertyScaleChildren (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertySelectedText
Text of current selection
Public propertySelection
Current selection range
Public propertySelectionColor
Color of selected area
Public propertySelectionHighlightingForLineBreaksEnabled
If true then line breaks included into the selection will be selected too. Then line breaks will be shown as selected blank character.
Public propertySelectionLength
Length of selected text
Public propertySelectionStart
Start position of selection
Public propertySelectionStyle
Style for rendering Selection area
Public propertyServiceColors
Colors of some service visual markers
Public propertyServiceLinesColor
Color of service lines (folding lines, borders of blocks etc.)
Public propertyShowCaretWhenInactive
Draw caret when the control is not focused
Protected propertyShowFocusCues (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyShowFoldingLines
Shows vertical lines between folding start line and folding end line.
Protected propertyShowKeyboardCues (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyShowLineNumbers
Shows line numbers.
Public propertyShowScrollBars
Public propertySite (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertySize (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertySourceTextBox
The source of the text. Allows to get text from other FastColoredTextBox.
Public propertyStartFoldingLine
Start line index of current highlighted folding area. Return -1 if start of area is not found.
Public propertyStyles
Public propertySyntaxHighlighter
Syntax Highlighter
Public propertyTabIndex (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTabLength
Spaces count for tab
Public propertyTabStop (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTag (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyText
Text of control
(Overrides UserControlText.)
Public propertyTextAreaBorder
Type of border of text area
Public propertyTextAreaBorderColor
Color of border of text area
Public propertyTextAreaRect
Rectangle where located text
Public propertyTextLength
Public propertyTextSource
Public propertyTextVersion
Text version
Public propertyToolTip
ToolTip component
Public propertyToolTipDelay
Delay (ms) of ToolTip
Public propertyTop (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTopLevelControl (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyUndoEnabled
Is undo enabled?
Public propertyUseWaitCursor (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyVariablesColor
Public propertyVerticalScroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Public propertyVirtualSpace
Enables virtual spaces
Public propertyVisible (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyVisibleRange
Returns current visible range of text
Protected propertyVScroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Public propertyWideCaret
Wide caret
Public propertyWidth (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyWindowTarget (Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyWordWrap
Public propertyWordWrapAutoIndent
Automatically shifts secondary wordwrap lines on the shift amount of the first line
Public propertyWordWrapIndent
Indent of secondary wordwrap lines (in chars)
Public propertyWordWrapMode
WordWrap mode.
Public propertyZoom
Zooming (in percentages)
See Also