GUI and options:
There are three major areas on the GUI (Graphic User Interface) of Super Finder:
1. | Search Parameters area |
2. | Buttons area |
3. | Found Files list |
Below is the GUI of Super Finder: Please, click on any detail for direct jump to his description.
Note: this screenshot is taken from the Privileged Users version of Super Finder; the standard version may have some small difference.
· | File Name edit field: Specifies the target filename masks separated by semicolon ( ; ). |
· | And / or Folders option: If checked, subfolders of the target folders specified in "Path or Location" will be included in the search. |
· | Smart Search option: If checked, allow to search for similar names without type any wild card characters ( *, ? ) at the begin, end or middle of partial file name or extension to search (see filename masks for an example). |
· | Exclude option: If checked, enable the exclude file masks. |
· | Exclude edit field: Contains list of files that should be excluded from the search result. Wild cards ( *, ? ) can be used for Drive and filename. Remember to uncheck the Exclude option if you do not need this feature. |
· | Find Content option: If checked, enable the search for a phrase (the Content Field) into all found files. |
· | Find Content edit field: Specifies the phrase that should be located in the content of the file(s). Remember to uncheck the Find Content option if you do not need this feature. |
· | Text, Unicode or Hexadecimal option: Use this option to select the phrase data format. |
· | Whole Word option: If checked, Super Finder searches for whole words only. |
· | Ignore Case option: If checked, the Super Finder performs a case insensitive search to locate the phrase inside the file. |
· | Use ? wildcard option: If checked, the question mark (?) can be used as wild card for special searches. (Privileged Users version only) E.g. to search text into WordPerfect™ 5 DOS version, which use different symbols character set: if you search for "ABC-DEF" you must type "ABC?DEF" to found the text you search for. |
· | Path or Locations edit field: Determines the target path masks separated by semicolon ( ; ) |
· | Include Subfolders option: If checked, perform search into subfolders of all specified locations of path masks. |
· | Recycle Bin deep scan: If checked, perform specialized scan into all Recycle Bins of all logical drives. (Privileged Users version only). |
· | Browse button: Open the directory browser, to select the path or location where start to search. |
Privileged Users version only:
All four edit fields (File Name, Exclude, Find Content and Path or Locations) have an MRU (Most Recent Used) management. You can select up to last 16 typed entry.
The button area contains these buttons:
Privileged Users version only:
All the buttons related commands (except for Rename) can operate for more than one file or folder.
· | The Found Files list shows the result of the search. |
· | The list can be sorted by Name, Location, Size or Last Changes date and time by clicking on respective column headers. |
· | From this list, you can drag and drop the selected file to Desktop or any folder of your choice. |
· | Right-click contextual menu is also available for each item of list. |
Privileged Users version only:
Is possible to select more than one item on the Found Files list; with this feature you can:
· | Delete multiple files or folder (suitable e.g. for disk cleaning, by searching and removing temporary files). |
· | Copy multiple files or folder to specific path. |
· | Show properties for all selected items. |
· | Open multiple items with associated programs. |
· | Explore (open) multiple folders containing selected items. |
· | Drag and drop (copy) multiple items from various source paths to specific path. |
Note: Copy, Explore, Open, Delete and Properties operation are available even trough right click contextual menu.
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