Reorder columns in the firewall log viewer

Sophos Endpoint Security and Control

Reorder columns in the firewall log viewer

  1. On the Home page, under Firewall, click View firewall log.

    For information about the Home page, see About the Home page.

  2. Click an item in the console tree that displays columns in the details pane.
  3. On the View menu, select Add/Remove Columns.

    You can also right-click any of the column headings.

  4. In the Columns dialog box, click a column name, and then click Move Up or Move Down to change the position of the column.


  • You can also reorder columns in the details pane by using a mouse to drag a column heading to the left or right of its original position. As you drag a column, highlighting between the column headings indicates the new position of the column.
  • You can resize columns by using the mouse to drag column headings.