STM8S/A Standard Peripherals Drivers: stm8s_gpio.c Source File

STM8S/A Standard Peripherals Library

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**
00002   ******************************************************************************
00003   * @file    stm8s_gpio.c
00004   * @author  MCD Application Team
00005   * @version V2.2.0
00006   * @date    30-September-2014
00007   * @brief   This file contains all the functions for the GPIO peripheral.
00008    ******************************************************************************
00009   * @attention
00010   *
00011   * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
00012   *
00013   * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
00014   * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00015   * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
00016   *
00017   *
00018   *
00019   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
00020   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
00021   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00022   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00023   * limitations under the License.
00024   *
00025   ******************************************************************************
00026   */
00028 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00029 #include "stm8s_gpio.h"
00031 /** @addtogroup STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver
00032   * @{
00033   */
00034 /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
00035 /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
00036 /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
00037 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
00038 /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
00039 /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
00041 /* Public functions ----------------------------------------------------------*/
00043 /**
00044   * @addtogroup GPIO_Public_Functions
00045   * @{
00046   */
00048 /**
00049   * @brief  Deinitializes the GPIOx peripheral registers to their default reset values.
00050   * @param  GPIOx: Select the GPIO peripheral number (x = A to I).
00051   * @retval None
00052   */
00053 void GPIO_DeInit(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx)
00054 {
00055   GPIOx->ODR = GPIO_ODR_RESET_VALUE; /* Reset Output Data Register */
00056   GPIOx->DDR = GPIO_DDR_RESET_VALUE; /* Reset Data Direction Register */
00057   GPIOx->CR1 = GPIO_CR1_RESET_VALUE; /* Reset Control Register 1 */
00058   GPIOx->CR2 = GPIO_CR2_RESET_VALUE; /* Reset Control Register 2 */
00059 }
00061 /**
00062   * @brief  Initializes the GPIOx according to the specified parameters.
00063   * @param  GPIOx : Select the GPIO peripheral number (x = A to I).
00064   * @param  GPIO_Pin : This parameter contains the pin number, it can be any value
00065   *         of the @ref GPIO_Pin_TypeDef enumeration.
00066   * @param  GPIO_Mode : This parameter can be a value of the
00067   *         @Ref GPIO_Mode_TypeDef enumeration.
00068   * @retval None
00069   */
00071 void GPIO_Init(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_TypeDef GPIO_Pin, GPIO_Mode_TypeDef GPIO_Mode)
00072 {
00073   /*----------------------*/
00074   /* Check the parameters */
00075   /*----------------------*/
00077   assert_param(IS_GPIO_MODE_OK(GPIO_Mode));
00078   assert_param(IS_GPIO_PIN_OK(GPIO_Pin));
00080   /* Reset corresponding bit to GPIO_Pin in CR2 register */
00081   GPIOx->CR2 &= (uint8_t)(~(GPIO_Pin));
00083   /*-----------------------------*/
00084   /* Input/Output mode selection */
00085   /*-----------------------------*/
00087   if ((((uint8_t)(GPIO_Mode)) & (uint8_t)0x80) != (uint8_t)0x00) /* Output mode */
00088   {
00089     if ((((uint8_t)(GPIO_Mode)) & (uint8_t)0x10) != (uint8_t)0x00) /* High level */
00090     {
00091       GPIOx->ODR |= (uint8_t)GPIO_Pin;
00092     } 
00093     else /* Low level */
00094     {
00095       GPIOx->ODR &= (uint8_t)(~(GPIO_Pin));
00096     }
00097     /* Set Output mode */
00098     GPIOx->DDR |= (uint8_t)GPIO_Pin;
00099   } 
00100   else /* Input mode */
00101   {
00102     /* Set Input mode */
00103     GPIOx->DDR &= (uint8_t)(~(GPIO_Pin));
00104   }
00106   /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00107   /* Pull-Up/Float (Input) or Push-Pull/Open-Drain (Output) modes selection */
00108   /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00110   if ((((uint8_t)(GPIO_Mode)) & (uint8_t)0x40) != (uint8_t)0x00) /* Pull-Up or Push-Pull */
00111   {
00112     GPIOx->CR1 |= (uint8_t)GPIO_Pin;
00113   } 
00114   else /* Float or Open-Drain */
00115   {
00116     GPIOx->CR1 &= (uint8_t)(~(GPIO_Pin));
00117   }
00119   /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
00120   /* Interrupt (Input) or Slope (Output) modes selection */
00121   /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
00123   if ((((uint8_t)(GPIO_Mode)) & (uint8_t)0x20) != (uint8_t)0x00) /* Interrupt or Slow slope */
00124   {
00125     GPIOx->CR2 |= (uint8_t)GPIO_Pin;
00126   } 
00127   else /* No external interrupt or No slope control */
00128   {
00129     GPIOx->CR2 &= (uint8_t)(~(GPIO_Pin));
00130   }
00131 }
00133 /**
00134   * @brief  Writes data to the specified GPIO data port.
00135   * @note   The port must be configured in output mode.
00136   * @param  GPIOx : Select the GPIO peripheral number (x = A to I).
00137   * @param  GPIO_PortVal : Specifies the value to be written to the port output
00138   *         data register.
00139   * @retval None
00140   */
00141 void GPIO_Write(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, uint8_t PortVal)
00142 {
00143   GPIOx->ODR = PortVal;
00144 }
00146 /**
00147   * @brief  Writes high level to the specified GPIO pins.
00148   * @note   The port must be configured in output mode.  
00149   * @param  GPIOx : Select the GPIO peripheral number (x = A to I).
00150   * @param  PortPins : Specifies the pins to be turned high to the port output.
00151   *         data register.
00152   * @retval None
00153   */
00154 void GPIO_WriteHigh(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_TypeDef PortPins)
00155 {
00156   GPIOx->ODR |= (uint8_t)PortPins;
00157 }
00159 /**
00160   * @brief  Writes low level to the specified GPIO pins.
00161   * @note   The port must be configured in output mode.  
00162   * @param  GPIOx : Select the GPIO peripheral number (x = A to I).
00163   * @param  PortPins : Specifies the pins to be turned low to the port output.
00164   *         data register.
00165   * @retval None
00166   */
00167 void GPIO_WriteLow(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_TypeDef PortPins)
00168 {
00169   GPIOx->ODR &= (uint8_t)(~PortPins);
00170 }
00172 /**
00173   * @brief  Writes reverse level to the specified GPIO pins.
00174   * @note   The port must be configured in output mode.
00175   * @param  GPIOx : Select the GPIO peripheral number (x = A to I).
00176   * @param  PortPins : Specifies the pins to be reversed to the port output.
00177   *         data register.
00178   * @retval None
00179   */
00180 void GPIO_WriteReverse(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_TypeDef PortPins)
00181 {
00182   GPIOx->ODR ^= (uint8_t)PortPins;
00183 }
00185 /**
00186   * @brief  Reads the specified GPIO output data port.
00187   * @note   The port must be configured in input mode.  
00188   * @param  GPIOx : Select the GPIO peripheral number (x = A to I).
00189   * @retval GPIO output data port value.
00190   */
00191 uint8_t GPIO_ReadOutputData(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx)
00192 {
00193   return ((uint8_t)GPIOx->ODR);
00194 }
00196 /**
00197   * @brief  Reads the specified GPIO input data port.
00198   * @note   The port must be configured in input mode.   
00199   * @param  GPIOx : Select the GPIO peripheral number (x = A to I).
00200   * @retval GPIO input data port value.
00201   */
00202 uint8_t GPIO_ReadInputData(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx)
00203 {
00204   return ((uint8_t)GPIOx->IDR);
00205 }
00207 /**
00208   * @brief  Reads the specified GPIO input data pin.
00209   * @param  GPIOx : Select the GPIO peripheral number (x = A to I).
00210   * @param  GPIO_Pin : Specifies the pin number.
00211   * @retval BitStatus : GPIO input pin status.
00212   */
00213 BitStatus GPIO_ReadInputPin(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_TypeDef GPIO_Pin)
00214 {
00215   return ((BitStatus)(GPIOx->IDR & (uint8_t)GPIO_Pin));
00216 }
00218 /**
00219   * @brief  Configures the external pull-up on GPIOx pins.
00220   * @param  GPIOx : Select the GPIO peripheral number (x = A to I).
00221   * @param  GPIO_Pin : Specifies the pin number
00222   * @param  NewState : The new state of the pull up pin.
00223   * @retval None
00224   */
00225 void GPIO_ExternalPullUpConfig(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, GPIO_Pin_TypeDef GPIO_Pin, FunctionalState NewState)
00226 {
00227   /* Check the parameters */
00228   assert_param(IS_GPIO_PIN_OK(GPIO_Pin));
00229   assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONALSTATE_OK(NewState));
00231   if (NewState != DISABLE) /* External Pull-Up Set*/
00232   {
00233     GPIOx->CR1 |= (uint8_t)GPIO_Pin;
00234   } else /* External Pull-Up Reset*/
00235   {
00236     GPIOx->CR1 &= (uint8_t)(~(GPIO_Pin));
00237   }
00238 }
00240 /**
00241   * @}
00242   */
00244 /**
00245   * @}
00246   */
00249 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
STM8 Standard Peripherals Library: Footer




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