Toolbar Reference

Rich Text Editor for PHP

This section lists the menu and toolbar items that are available in RichTextEditor. Button Name is the name used to identify each tool button in the toolbar setting.

Menu/Button Function Description Button Name
Paste Inserts content from the clipboard into the editor at the selected position paste(ribbonpaste)
 Paste Plain Text Pastes plain text (no formatting) into the editor pastetext
 Paste from word Pastes the content copied form the Microsoft Word and removes any web-unfriendly tags pasteword
 Save Saves the active content in the editor's content area save
 New Document Creates a new document new
 Print Prints the current page print
 Spell Launchs the spell checker spellcheck
Cut Performs normal function of cutting cut
Copy Copies the current selection and stores it in the clipboard copy
Delete Deletes the current selection delete
 Find and replace Finds and allows replacements of text in the editor's content area find
Undo Undoes the last operation in the editor undo
Redo Redoes the previously undone action redo
 Format painter Format Painter takes the formatting from one piece of text and pastes it onto content you select. formatpainter
Font name drop-down menu sets the font face. If a selection is active, the font formatting will be applied to it fontname
Size drop-down menu sets the font size. If a selection is active, the font size formatting will be applied to it fontsize
Bold Bolds the selected text bold
Italicize Italicizes the selected text italic
Underline Underlines the selected text underline
Strike Through Strikes through the selected text linethrough
Overline Overline the selected text overline
Font Color Changes the color of the selected text to desired color forecolor
Highlight Highlights the selected text backcolor
Superscript Changes the selected text to superscript superscript
Subscript Changes the selected text to subscript subscript
 Upper Case Converts the selected text to upper case lettering ucase
 Lower Case Converts the selected text to lower case lettering lcase
Remove Format Removes formatting from the selected text removeformat
 Code Cleaner Cleans up all "garbage" HTML-tags cleancode
Select All Selects all content selectall
Paragraph drop-down menu changes the paragraph style of the selected text paragraphs
Style drop-down menu changes the CSS class and CSS style of the selected text styles
Justify Left Aligns the selected content to the left justifyleft
Justify Center Centers the selected content justifycenter
Justify Right Aligns the selected content to the right justifyright
 Justify Full Stretches the lines so that each line has equal width justifyfull
 Justify None The justification is disabled justifynone
 Line Height Set the line height in percent lineheight
Left to right Set the text direction to "left-to-right" ltr
Right to left Set the text direction to "right-to-left" rtl
 Break Inserts a line break (br) insertlinemenu
 Insert WBR (HTML5) Inserts a line break (wbr) Insertwbr
 Insert div line break Inserts a line break (div) insertdiv
 Paragraph Inserts a paragraph (p) insertparagraph
Insert Rule Inserts a horizontal rule at the selected position in the editor inserthorizontalrule
 Insert Page Break Inserts a print page break insertpagebreak
 Insert top line Inserts a line break in the top of the document inserttopline
 Insert bottom line Inserts a line break in the bottom of the document insertbottomline
Ordered List Inserts an ordered list insertorderedlist
Unordered List Inserts an unordered list insertunorderedlist
Indent Indents the selected content indent
Outdent Outdents the selected content outdent
Insert blockquote Inserts a block quote into your document insertblockquote
Insert Table Inserts a table into your document inserttable(ribbontable)
 Image gallery Inserts a local image from the image gallery folder; thumbnail images are dynamically created and supports uploading of new images insertgallery
 Insert image Inserts an image at the selected position in the editor and allows you to set it's properties insertimage
 Form Inserts a form at the selected position insertform
 TextArea Inserts a textarea at the selected position inserttextarea
 Input Text Box Inserts an input text box at the selected position insertinptext
 Password field Inserts a password field at the selected position insertinppassword
 Hidden field Inserts a hidden field at the selected position insertinphidden
 ListBox Inserts a list box at the selected position insertinpfile
 Dropdown Box Inserts a dropdown box at the selected position insertdropdown
 Radio Button Inserts a radio button at the selected position insertradiobox
 Checkbox Inserts a checkbox at the selected position insertcheckbox
 Image Button Inserts an image button at the selected position insertinpimage
 Submit Button Inserts a submit button at the selected position insertinpsubmit
 Reset Button Inserts a reset button at the selected position insertinpreset
 Input Button Inserts an input button at the selected position insertinpbutton
 Insert a layout box Inserts a layout box on your web page creates a DIV tag and set its formatting insertbox
 Insert a layer Allows you to insert a layer (absolutely-positioned div) insertlayer
 Insert groupbox Allows you to a group box (FieldSet) at the selected position in the editor insertfieldset
HTML5 tags Allows you to insert HTML5 tags html5
 Toggle Border Toggles the visibility of borders toggleborder
 Fit to window Edits in full screen mode, maximizing your available space fullscreen
 Help Displays a user guide help
Insert Link The image button allows you add a link to the text. The arrow button allows you add predefined links into the current selection insertlink
Remove Link Removes the hyperlink from the selected content unlink
Insert Anchor Adds an anchor to the text on your page insertanchor
 Add image map Adds an image map insertimagemap
 Insert date and time Inserts the current date and time. The date format used is the date format configured on the client's machine insertdate
 Special Chars Inserts a special character from a predefined list insertchars
 Universal Keyboard Universal Online Keyboard virtualkeyboard
 Page Properties Allows you modify the page properties pageproperties
 Insert Template The image button allows you add the predefined templates into the current selection. The arrow button allows you add predefined code snippets into the current selection. inserttemplate
 Insert Document Inserts a link to a document on the server (PDF,DOC, ZIP,etc.) at the selected position insertdocument
 Insert video Inserts a video at the selected position and allows you to set it's properties insertmedia
 SyntaxHighlighter Allows you to easily post syntax highlighted code syntaxhighlighter
 YouTube Embeds a youtube video at the selected position and allows you to set it's properties. insertyoutube
 Google map Inserts a Google map at the selected position. googlemap

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