Setting temporary file location

Rich Text Editor for PHP

We integrated a hi-performance PHP upload component - PHP Uploader into Rich Text Editor. PHP Uploader allows you to select and upload multiple files at once. It also supports client side validation of the file size/type before uploading.

PHP Uploader does not read the entire uploaded file into memory. It streams the data into a temporary file while the data is received. For this reason, you must specify a temporary file location. You should ensure that the Internet Guest Account has read/write permission to this specified folder.

You can easily specify the temporary file location by setting uploader's TempDirectory property:

// Register Editor component to your page   
<?php require_once "richtexteditor/include_rte.php" ?>   
        <form id="form1" method="POST">   
                // Create Editor instance and use Text property to load content into the RTE.  
                $rte=new RichTextEditor();   
                $rte->Text="Type here"; 
                // Set a unique ID to Editor   
                // Set a temporary file location   
                // Render Editor 
                echo $rte->GetString();  

If there is no temporary file location specified, RichTextEditor will use the system's temp folder.

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