Setting Game Options


Setting Game Options

The options dialog can be accessed via Game > Options from the menu bar or by pressing Ctrl+O on the keyboard.

After setting the options you want, press the OK button to save your changes. To exit without making changes, press Cancel.

You can restore all the options to their defaults by pressing the Restore Defaults button. Be sure to press Ok afterwards to save them or Cancel to abort the changes.

Display Options

Show valid moves: If checked, board squares that may be legally played by the current player are highlighted (see Valid move color below).

Preview moves: Checking this option will allow you to see the result of making a move on a particular square when you mouse over it.

Animate moves: When checked, moves are animated to show outflanked discs being flipped over.

Board color: Allows you to set the color of the board.

Valid move color: Defines the color used to highlight board squares where the current player can make a legal move. Note that Show valid moves must be checked to enable highlighting.

Active square color: This color is used to highlight a square under the cursor when that square represents a valid move for the current player.

Move indicator color: Sets the color used to circle the disc being played on the board during the move animation (see Animate moves above).

Player Options

First move: Specifies which player color moves first when a new game is started.

Black player, White player: Use these to set who plays each color. You can play against the computer, against another user or let the computer play against itself.

Note that you can change players while a game is in progress. The Statistics are updated using the player settings in effect at the end of a game.

Difficulty Setting

Here you can choose the level of play the computer will use. The options are:

  • Beginner - Good for new players. Be careful however, as the computer still plays a strong end game. Just when you think you're winning, it may find a way to turn the game around.
  • Intermediate - Plays much smarter but can be beaten by a good player.
  • Advanced - A tough opponent. To beat the computer at this level you must think well ahead and not make mistakes.
  • Expert - Very difficult to beat. Good luck.

See the Strategy Guide for tips on playing.