3.28 new -- Creation of runtime internal objects

Python 2.4

3.28 new -- Creation of runtime internal objects

The new module allows an interface to the interpreter object creation functions. This is for use primarily in marshal-type functions, when a new object needs to be created ``magically'' and not by using the regular creation functions. This module provides a low-level interface to the interpreter, so care must be exercised when using this module. It is possible to supply non-sensical arguments which crash the interpreter when the object is used.

The new module defines the following functions:

This function creates an instance of class with dictionary dict without calling the __init__() constructor. If dict is omitted or None, a new, empty dictionary is created for the new instance. Note that there are no guarantees that the object will be in a consistent state.

This function will return a method object, bound to instance, or unbound if instance is None. function must be callable.

Returns a (Python) function with the given code and globals. If name is given, it must be a string or None. If it is a string, the function will have the given name, otherwise the function name will be taken from code.co_name. If argdefs is given, it must be a tuple and will be used to determine the default values of parameters.

This function is an interface to the PyCode_New() C function.

This function returns a new module object with name name. name must be a string.

This function returns a new class object, with name name, derived from baseclasses (which should be a tuple of classes) and with namespace dict.
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