11.5.4 HTTPRedirectHandler Objects

Python 2.4

11.5.4 HTTPRedirectHandler Objects

Note: Some HTTP redirections require action from this module's client code. If this is the case, HTTPError is raised. See RFC 2616 for details of the precise meanings of the various redirection codes.

Return a Request or None in response to a redirect. This is called by the default implementations of the http_error_30*() methods when a redirection is received from the server. If a redirection should take place, return a new Request to allow http_error_30*() to perform the redirect. Otherwise, raise HTTPError if no other handler should try to handle this URL, or return None if you can't but another handler might.

Note: The default implementation of this method does not strictly follow RFC 2616, which says that 301 and 302 responses to POST requests must not be automatically redirected without confirmation by the user. In reality, browsers do allow automatic redirection of these responses, changing the POST to a GET, and the default implementation reproduces this behavior.

Redirect to the Location: URL. This method is called by the parent OpenerDirector when getting an HTTP `moved permanently' response.

The same as http_error_301(), but called for the `found' response.

The same as http_error_301(), but called for the `see other' response.

The same as http_error_301(), but called for the `temporary redirect' response.

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