Assets.PowerGif.Examples.Scripts Namespace


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Assembly: Assembly-CSharp (in Assembly-CSharp.dll)

Expand image Classes

  Name Description
Public class DecodeExample Decoding GIF example.
Public class DecodeParallelExample Decoding GIF example. Important note: we can't work with UI and Texture2D in threads. To workaround this: 1. SimpleGif deals with SimpleGif.Texture2D, which contains pixel array the same as UnityEngine.Texture2D. 2. You should call DecodeParallel from Coroutine to display progress and result.
Public class DecodeProgressExample Decoding large GIF-files can take time. In this case, best practice is to display progress bar. This example shows how to use decode iterator.
Public class EncodeExample Encoding GIF example.
Public class EncodeParallelExample Decoding GIF example. Important note: we can't work with UI and Texture2D in threads. To workaround this: 1. SimpleGif deals with SimpleGif.Texture2D, which contains pixel array the same as UnityEngine.Texture2D. 2. You should call EncodeParallel from Coroutine to display progress and result.
Public class EncodeProgressExample Encoding large GIF-files can take much more time than decoding. In this case, best practice is to display progress bar. This example shows how to use decode iterator.
Public class ExampleBase
Public class PerformanceExample This example shows how to check encoding/decoding operations performance.
Public class PreviewExample In some cases you may need to get GIF previews (first frame) instead of decoding all frames. For example, you are developing image gallery and it should work fast. Just use decode iterator and stop it on the first iteration. Then you'll get the first frame. You even don't need to use a coroutine in this case.

Expand image Version Information

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1