PDF File Writer Class Library - Author Uzi Granot
ScaleMediaCode Enumeration |
Scale media code
Namespace: PdfFileWriter
Assembly: PdfFileWriter (in PdfFileWriter.dll) Version: (

public enum ScaleMediaCode

Member name | Value | Description | |
KeepAspectRatioShowAll | 0 | Keep aspect ratio and show all. | |
KeepAspectRatioSlice | 1 | Keep aspect ratio fit the one side and slice the other | |
FillAnotationRect | 2 | Ignore aspect ratio and fill annotation rectangle | |
NoScaleWithScroll | 3 | No scaling. Provide scroll if required | |
NoScaleSlice | 4 | No scaling. Show what fits | |
PlayerDefault | 5 | Let media player handle it |

Value 0 to 5 How to scale the media to fit annotation area page 770 T 9.15