PDF File Writer Class Library - Author Uzi Granot
PaintOp Enumeration |
Path painting and clipping operators enumeration
Namespace: PdfFileWriter
Assembly: PdfFileWriter (in PdfFileWriter.dll) Version: (

public enum PaintOp

Member name | Value | Description | |
NoOperator | 0 | No operator | |
NoPaint | 1 | No paint | |
Stroke | 2 | Stoke | |
CloseStroke | 3 | Close and stroke | |
Fill | 4 | close and Fill | |
FillEor | 5 | close and fill EOR | |
FillStroke | 6 | Fill and stoke | |
FillStrokeEor | 7 | Fill and stroke EOR | |
CloseFillStroke | 8 | Close, Fill and stroke | |
CloseFillStrokeEor | 9 | Close, Fill and Stroke EOR | |
ClipPathWnr | 10 | Clip path | |
ClipPathEor | 11 | Clip path EOR | |
CloseSubPath | 12 | Close sub-path |

Note Special path paining considerations in section 4.4 of the PDF specifications. EOR is even odd rule. Otherwise it is nonzero winding number rule.