| Name | Description |
 | BeginTextMode |
Begin text mode
 | ClipText |
Clip text exposing area underneath
 | CommitToPdfFile |
Commit object to PDF file
 | CompareTo |
Compare the resource codes of two PDF objects.
(Inherited from PdfObject.) |
 | DrawArc |
Draw arc
 | DrawBarcode(Double, Double, Double, Double, Barcode, PdfFont, Double) |
Draw barcode
 | DrawBarcode(Double, Double, TextJustify, Double, Double, Barcode, PdfFont, Double) |
Draw barcode
 | DrawBarcode(Double, Double, TextJustify, Double, Double, Color, Barcode, PdfFont, Double) |
Draw barcode
 | DrawBezier(BezierD, BezierPointOne) |
Draw Bezier cubic path
 | DrawBezier(PointD, PointD, PointD) |
Draw Bezier cubic path
 | DrawBezier(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Draw Bezier cubic path
 | DrawBezierNoP1(PointD, PointD) |
Draw Bezier cubic path (P1 is the same as current point)
 | DrawBezierNoP1(Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Draw Bezier cubic path (P1 is the same as current point)
 | DrawBezierNoP2(PointD, PointD) |
Draw Bezier cubic path (P2 is the same as P3)
 | DrawBezierNoP2(Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Draw Bezier cubic path (P2 is the same as P3)
 | DrawChart(PdfChart, Double, Double, Boolean, Boolean) |
Draw chart
 | DrawChart(PdfChart, Double, Double, Double, Double, Boolean, Boolean) |
Draw chart
 | DrawDoubleBezierPath |
Draw double Bezier path
 | DrawHeart(LineD, PaintOp) |
Draw heart
 | DrawHeart(Double, Double, Double, Double, PaintOp) |
Draw heart
 | DrawImage(PdfImage, Double, Double, Double) |
Draw image (Height is calculated from width as per aspect ratio)
 | DrawImage(PdfImage, Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Draw image
 | DrawInwardCornerRectangle |
Draw Rectangle with Inward Corners
 | DrawLine(LineD) |
Draw line
 | DrawLine(LineD, Double) |
Draw line with given line width
 | DrawLine(PointD, PointD) |
Draw line
 | DrawLine(PointD, PointD, Double) |
Draw line with given line width
 | DrawLine(Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Draw line
 | DrawLine(Double, Double, Double, Double, PdfTableBorderStyle) |
Draw border line
 | DrawLine(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Draw line with given line width
 | DrawOval(PointD, SizeD, PaintOp) |
Draw oval
 | DrawOval(Double, Double, Double, Double, PaintOp) |
Draw oval
 | DrawPolygon(PointF, PaintOp) |
Draw polygon
 | DrawPolygon(Single, PaintOp) |
Draw polygon
 | DrawRectangle(PointD, SizeD, PaintOp) |
Draw rectangle
 | DrawRectangle(Double, Double, Double, Double, PaintOp) |
Draw Rectangle
 | DrawRegularPolygon(PointD, Double, Double, Int32, PaintOp) |
Draw regular polygon
 | DrawRegularPolygon(Double, Double, Double, Double, Int32, PaintOp) |
Draw regular polygon
 | DrawRoundedRectangle(PointD, SizeD, Double, PaintOp) |
Draw Rounded Rectangle
 | DrawRoundedRectangle(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, PaintOp) |
Draw Rounded Rectangle
 | DrawShading(PdfAxialShading) |
Draw axial shading pattern
 | DrawShading(PdfRadialShading) |
Draw radial shading pattern
 | DrawStar(PointD, Double, Double, Int32, PaintOp) |
Draw star
 | DrawStar(Double, Double, Double, Double, Int32, PaintOp) |
Draw star
 | DrawStar(PointD, Double, Double, Double, Int32, PaintOp) |
Draw star
 | DrawStar(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Int32, PaintOp) |
Draw star
 | DrawText(PdfFont, Double, String) |
Draw text
 | DrawText(PdfFont, Double, Double, Double, KerningAdjust) |
Draw text with kerning array
 | DrawText(PdfFont, Double, Double, Double, String) |
Draw one line of text left justified
 | DrawText(Double, Double, Double, Int32, TextBox, PdfPage) |
Draw TextBox
 | DrawText(PdfFont, Double, Double, Double, DrawStyle, String) |
Draw one line of text width draw style
 | DrawText(PdfFont, Double, Double, Double, TextJustify, String) |
Draw one line of text
 | DrawText(PdfFont, Double, Double, Double, Color, String) |
Draw one line of text with a given color
 | DrawText(PdfFont, Double, Double, Double, TextJustify, DrawStyle, Color, String) |
Draw one line of text with text justification, drawing style and color
 | DrawText(Double, Double, Double, Int32, Double, Double, TextBoxJustify, TextBox, PdfPage) |
Draw TextBox
 | DrawText(PdfFont, Double, Double, Double, TextJustify, Double, Color, Color, String) |
Draw text with special effects
 | DrawTextWithAnnotation(PdfPage, PdfFont, Double, Double, Double, String, AnnotAction) |
Draw text with annotation action
 | DrawTextWithAnnotation(PdfPage, PdfFont, Double, Double, Double, TextJustify, DrawStyle, Color, String, AnnotAction) |
Draw text with annotation action
 | DrawTextWithKerning |
Draw text with kerning
 | DrawWebLink(PdfPage, PdfFont, Double, Double, Double, String, String) |
Draw web link with one line of text
 | DrawWebLink(PdfPage, PdfFont, Double, Double, Double, TextJustify, DrawStyle, Color, String, String) |
Draw web link with one line of text
 | DrawWPFPath |
Draw WPF path
 | DrawXObject(PdfXObject) |
Draw X Object
 | DrawXObject(PdfXObject, Double, Double) |
Draw X Object
 | DrawXObject(PdfXObject, Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Draw X Object
 | DrawXObject(PdfXObject, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Draw X Object
 | EndTextMode |
End text mode
 | Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GrayLevelNonStroking |
Set gray level for non stroking (fill or brush) operations
 | GrayLevelStroking |
Set gray level for stroking (outline or pen) operations
 | LayerEnd |
Layer end
 | LayerStart |
Layer start
 | LineTo(PointD) |
Draw line from last position to new position
 | LineTo(Double, Double) |
Draw line from last position to new position
 | MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | MoveTo(PointD) |
Move current pointer to new position
 | MoveTo(Double, Double) |
Move current pointer to new position
 | PaintOpStr |
Convert PaintOp enumeration to String
 | RestoreGraphicsState |
Restore graphics state
 | ReverseString |
Reverse characters in a string
 | SaveGraphicsState |
Save graphics state
 | Scale |
 | SetAlphaNonStroking(Double) |
Set opacity value for non-stroking operations
 | SetAlphaNonStroking(Color) |
Set opacity value (alpha) of color of for non-stroking operations
 | SetAlphaStroking(Double) |
Set opacity value for stroking operations
 | SetAlphaStroking(Color) |
Set opacity value (alpha) of color of for stroking operations
 | SetBlendMode |
Set color blend mode
 | SetCharacterSpacing |
Set character extra spacing
 | SetColorNonStroking |
Set color for non stroking (fill or brush) operations
 | SetColorStroking |
Set color for stroking (outline or pen) operations
 | SetDashLine |
Set dash line pattern
 | SetLineCap |
Set line cap
 | SetLineJoin |
Set line join
 | SetLineWidth |
Set line width
 | SetMiterLimit |
Set miter limit
 | SetPaintOp(String) |
Set paint operator
 | SetPaintOp(PaintOp) |
Set paint operator
 | SetPatternNonStroking |
Set pattern for non stroking (fill) operations
 | SetPatternStroking |
Set pattern for stroking (outline) operations
 | SetTextPosition |
Set text position
 | SetTextRenderingMode |
Set text rendering mode
 | SetTransMatrix |
Set current transformation matrix
 | SetWordSpacing |
Set word extra spacing
 | ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | Translate(PointD) |
Translate origin
 | Translate(Double, Double) |
Translate origin
 | TranslateScale(PointD, Double) |
Translate and scale
 | TranslateScale(Double, Double, Double) |
Translate and scale
 | TranslateScale(PointD, Double, Double) |
Translate and scale
 | TranslateScale(Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Translate and scale
 | TranslateScaleRotate(PointD, Double, Double) |
Translate, scale and rotate
 | TranslateScaleRotate(Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Translate, scale and rotate
 | TranslateScaleRotate(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Translate, scale and rotate