PDF File Writer Class Library - Author Uzi Granot
PdfTableTableStartEvent Event |
Sets the table start event handler.
Namespace: PdfFileWriter
Assembly: PdfFileWriter (in PdfFileWriter.dll) Version: (

The table start event handler is called at the start of the table and at the top each subsequent page.
// example of table start event handler to display // heading above the table on each page void BookListTableStart ( PdfTable BookList, double TableStartPos ) { double PosX = 0.5 * (BookList.TableArea.Left + BookList.TableArea.Right); double PosY = TableStartPos + TableTitleFont.Descent(16.0) + 0.05; BookList.Contents.DrawText(TableTitleFont, 16.0, PosX, PosY, TextJustify.Center, DrawStyle.Normal, Color.Chocolate, "Book List PdfTable Example"); return; }