Sometimes you may need to make modifications to a computer that has a product license on it. To make sure the license does not get lost or deleted while you are making hardware modifications, you should first export the license to a target computer until you are ready to move it back to the source computer. For example, you may want to do one of the following:
- Partition the hard drive.
- Reformat the hard drive.
- Delete a drive.
To save a license during hardware modifications
- Export the product license. See Export a License from the Source Computer for instructions.
- On the target computer, import the license. See Import a License to the Target Computer for instructions.
- On the source computer, make the required hardware modifications.
- On the computer where the license now resides (the target computer in step 2, now the source computer), run the Portable License utility.
- Click
the Computers tab and verify that the computer identification code for
the other computer has not changed.
If the computer identification code has changed, update the new computer identification code in the computer list on this computer. See Edit Computer Information for instructions.
- On the computer where the license now resides (the target computer in step 2, now the source computer), export the product license. See Export a License from the Source Computer for instructions.
- On the computer where you made the hardware modifications (the source computer in step 1, now the target computer), import the license. See Import a License to the Target Computer for instructions.