PDFTron.SilverDox.Documents Namespace

PDFTron SilverDox SDK

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Contains the Document class and support classes. The support classes support document Bookmarks, the creation of Links, and access to document Metadata.


Public classBookmark
Represents a bookmark in a Document. Bookmarks typically represent an outline of the document, and as each bookmark is usually associated with a specific page in a document, they are typically used to facilitate navigation.
Public classDocument
Represents a document with individual pages (canvases) that can be displayed on screen and printed.
Public classDocument..::..OnLoadCanvasAsyncCallbackArgs
Public classDocument..::..OnLoadPartAsyncCallbackArgs
Arguments used as a parameter in the user defined callback function provided to LoadPartAsync(String, Action<(Of <<'(Document..::..OnLoadPartAsyncCallbackArgs>)>>), Object).
Public classDocument..::..OnLoadThumbnailAsyncCallbackArgs
Arguments used as a parameter in the user defined callback function provided to LoadThumbnailAsync(Int32, Action<(Of <<'(Document..::..OnLoadThumbnailAsyncCallbackArgs>)>>)).
Public classLink
A link that is placed on a Document page. Links, which are used to navigate somewhere when clicked on, may point to an external URI, or a location within the document.
Public classMetadata
A dictionary containing document metadata, such as the document's author and creation date.
Public classPageInfo
Describes a page in terms of its dimensions, resources and whether all the resources have been fully loaded. A collection of PageInfo objects is created when a Document is initilized, and are accessible via Document's Pages property. Note that PageInfo does not contain the page content, which can be acquired using the LoadCanvasAsync(Int32, Action<(Of <<'(Document..::..OnLoadCanvasAsyncCallbackArgs>)>>), Action<(Of <<'(Document..::..OnLoadCanvasAsyncCallbackArgs>)>>), Action<(Of <<'(Link>)>>)) method.