LocalPartRetriever Members

PDFTron SilverDox SDK

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The LocalPartRetriever type exposes the following members.


Public methodLocalPartRetriever
Constructs a new LocalPartRetriever.


Public methodCancelAllRequests
Cancels all outstanding requests.
Public methodCancelRequests
Cancels requests for specific Document parts.
Public methodDispose
Closes the file stream created when opening the .xod file using the RequestDocument() method.
Protected methodFinalize (Overrides Object..::..Finalize()()()().)
Public methodRequest
Request specfic document resources.
Public methodRequestDocument
Creates an open file dialog box in order to acquire a stream from the locally hosted .xod file, then requests the information necessary to initilize the Document.


Public propertyBackgroundLoadDocument
If true, the part retriever will continued to download content for pages that are not currently being displayed.
Public propertyShowThumbnailBeforePageContent
If true, shows an upscaled thumbnail on a page while the page's content is downloadd.
Public propertyUri
Unused in this part retriever because of the local file system security restrictions imposed by Silverlight. This part retriever is constructed using a stream to a .xod document.
Public propertyUseDocumentThumbnailIfAvailable
If true, uses a document's pre-rendered thumbnail rather than rendering one on the fly from the page's content.


Public eventOnPartReady
Raised when a part has been acquired. It is necessary to subscribe to this event to receive the parts returned by a call to the Request(List<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Object) or RequestDocument()()()() methods.

See Also