PDFTron.SilverDox.Documents.Annotations Namespace

PDFTron SilverDox SDK

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Contains the tools to create, edit, save and load annotations, as well as create custom annotations.


Public classAnnotation
Abstract base class from which all annotations derive.
Public classAnnotationManager
Represents an object that manages the Annotations that appear on a Document's pages when displayed in a DocumentViewer.
Public classAnnotationPopupContentChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the AnnotationPopupContentChanged event
Public classAnnotationResizedEventArgs
Provides data for the AnnotationResized event
Public classAnnotationsEventArgs
Provides data for Annotation related events.
Public classAnnotationsMoveCompletedEventArgs
Provides data for the AnnotationsMoveCompleted event
Public classEllipse
Represents an ellipse annotation.
Public classFreeHand
Represents a line annotation. (This annotation type is typically drawn by a user using the mouse and is not usually straight.)
Public classLine
Represents a straight line annotation.
Public classMarkup
A base class for annotation types that are used to mark up documents.
Public classPopupBody
Public classRectangle
Represents a rectagle annotation.
Public classSticky
Represents a sticky note annotation.
Public classTextHighlight
Represents a text highlight annotation.
Public classTextMarkup
A base class for annotation types that are used to mark up text in a document.
Public classTextStrikeout
Represents a text strikeout annotation.
Public classTextUnderline
Represents a text underline annotation.
Public classToolModeChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the ToolModeChanged event


Public enumerationAnnotationManager..::..TypeOfChange
Defines how an annotation has been changed since the last load