Initialize(TPCANHandle, TPCANBaudrate)


PCAN-Basic Documentation
Initialize(TPCANHandle, TPCANBaudrate)

Initializes a PCAN Channel which represents a Plug & Play PCAN-Device.

class function Initialize(
    Channel: TPCANHandle;
    Btr0Btr1: TPCANBaudrate
    ): TPCANStatus; overload;
public static extern TPCANStatus Initialize(
    TPCANHandle Channel,
    TPCANBaudrate Btr0Btr1);
static TPCANStatus Initialize(
    TPCANHandle Channel,
    TPCANBaudrate Btr0Btr1);
Public Shared Function Initialize( _
    ByVal Channel As TPCANHandle, _
    ByVal Btr0Btr1 As TPCANBaudrate) As TPCANStatus
End Function
def Initialize(
The handle of a PCAN Channel (see TPCANHandle). 
The speed for the communication (BTR0BTR1 code). 

The return value is a TPCANStatus code. PCAN_ERROR_OK is returned on success. The typical errors in case of failure are:

Indicates that the channel has been initialized but at a different bit rate as the given one. 
Indicates that the desired PCAN Channel is not valid. Check the list of valid Channels
Indicates that the desired PCAN Channel is not available. 
Indicates that an action cannot be executed due to the state of the hardware. Possible causes are:
  • The desired PCAN-Channel is a LAN Channel, which uses a different bit rate than the specified.


Indicates that the desired PCAN Channel cannot be connected because it is already in use (PCAN-Basic / PCAN-Light environment). 
Indicates that the desired PCAN-Channel is being used with a different bit rate (PCAN-View). 
Indicates that the desired PCAN-Channel is being used (CanApi2 connection). 
The driver needed for connecting the desired PCAN Channel is not loaded. 

As indicated by its name, the Initialize method initiates a PCAN Channel, preparing it for communicate within the CAN bus connected to it. Calls to the other methods will fail if they are used with a Channel handle, different than PCAN_NONEBUS, that has not been initialized yet. Each initialized channel should be released when it is not needed anymore. 

Initializing a PCAN Channel means:

  • to reserve the Channel for the calling application/process.
  • to allocate channel resources, like receive and transmit queues.
  • to register/connect the Hardware denoted by the channel handle.
  • to check and adapt the bus speed, if the Channel is already in use. (Only if the Channel was pre-configured as Bitrate Adapting; see: Bitrate-Adapting Parameter).
  • to set the channel in Listen-Only mode. (Only if the channel was pre-configured as Listen-Only; see: Listen-Only Parameter).
  • to open the messages filter for the application/process.
  • to set-up the default values of the different parameters (See GetValue).
  • to set the Receive Status of the channel. (Pre-configured value; see: Receive Status Parameter).

Different than the PCAN-Light API, the Initialization process will fail if an application try to initialize a PCAN-Channel that has been initialized already within the same process. 

Take in consideration that initializing a channel causes a reset of the CAN hardware , when the bus status is other than OK. In this way errors like BUSOFF, BUSHEAVY, and BUSLIGHT, are removed. 

PCAN-LAN Channels 

A PCAN-LAN channel doesn't allow changing the bit rate using PCAN-Basic. In order to connect a PCAN-LAN Channel it is necessary to know the bit rate of the PCAN-Gateway device that is represented by that channel. If the bit rate is not known, the parameter Bitrate-Adapting should be used. 

Python Notes 

  • Class-Method: Different than the .NET Framework, under Python a variable has to be instantiated with an object of type PCANBasic in order to use the API functionality.
  • Python's first argument convention: Under Python, 'self' is a parameter that is automatically included within the call of this method, within a PCANBasic object and hasn't to be indicated in a method call. This parameter represents the calling object itself.
  • Plug-&-Play and No-Plug-&-Play hardware: In order to initialize a channel which represents a Plug-&-Play PCAN device, only the Channel-handle and bit rate parameters are needed. The other parameters will be assigned their default values. For No-Plug-&-Play devices, all parameters have to be entered.

The following example shows the initialize and uninitialize processes for a Plug-And-Play channel (channel 2 of a PCAN-PCI hardware). In case of failure, the returned code will be translated to a text (according with the operating system language) in English, German, Italian, French or Spanish, and it will be shown to the user. 


TPCANStatus result;
StringBuilder strMsg;

// The Plug & Play Channel (PCAN-PCI) is initialized
result = PCANBasic.Initialize(PCANBasic.PCAN_PCIBUS2, TPCANBaudrate.PCAN_BAUD_500K);
if (result != TPCANStatus.PCAN_ERROR_OK)
    // An error occurred, get a text describing the error and show it
    strMsg = new StringBuilder(256);
    PCANBasic.GetErrorText(result, 0, strMsg);
    MessageBox.Show("PCAN-PCI (Ch-2) was initialized");

// All initialized channels are released


TPCANStatus result;
StringBuilder^ strMsg;

// The Plug & Play Channel (PCAN-PCI) is initialized
result = PCANBasic::Initialize(PCANBasic::PCAN_PCIBUS2, TPCANBaudrate::PCAN_BAUD_500K);
if (result != TPCANStatus::PCAN_ERROR_OK)
    // An error occurred, get a text describing the error and show it
    strMsg = gcnew StringBuilder(256);
    PCANBasic::GetErrorText(result, 0, strMsg);
    MessageBox::Show("PCAN-PCI (Ch-2) was initialized");

// All initialized channels are released

Visual Basic:

Dim result As TPCANStatus
Dim strMsg As StringBuilder

' The Plug & Play Channel (PCAN-PCI) is initialized
result = PCANBasic.Initialize(PCANBasic.PCAN_PCIBUS2, TPCANBaudrate.PCAN_BAUD_500K)
If result <> TPCANStatus.PCAN_ERROR_OK Then
    ' An error occurred, get a text describing the error and show it
    strMsg = New StringBuilder(256)
    PCANBasic.GetErrorText(result, 0, strMsg)
    MessageBox.Show("PCAN-PCI (Ch-2) was initialized")
End If

' All initialized channels are released

Pascal OO:

 result : TPCANStatus;
 strMsg: array [0..256] of Char;
    // The Plug & Play Channel (PCAN-PCI) is initialized
    result := TPCANBasic.Initialize(TPCANBasic.PCAN_PCIBUS2, PCAN_BAUD_500K);
    If (result <> PCAN_ERROR_OK) Then
        // An error occurred, get a text describing the error and show it
        TPCANBasic.GetErrorText(result, 0, strMsg);
        MessageBox(0, strMsg, 'Error',MB_OK);
        MessageBox(0,'PCAN-PCI (Ch-2) was initialized','Success', MB_OK);

    // All initialized channels are released


# The Plug & Play Channel (PCAN-PCI) is initialized
objPCAN = PCANBasic()
result = objPCAN.Initialize(PCAN_PCIBUS2, PCAN_BAUD_500K)
if result != PCAN_ERROR_OK:
    # An error occurred, get a text describing the error and show it
    result = objPCAN.GetErrorText(result)
    print result[1]
    print "PCAN-PCI (Ch-2) was initialized"

# All initialized channels are released
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