Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // This code contains NVIDIA Confidential Information and is disclosed to you 00002 // under a form of NVIDIA software license agreement provided separately to you. 00003 // 00004 // Notice 00005 // NVIDIA Corporation and its licensors retain all intellectual property and 00006 // proprietary rights in and to this software and related documentation and 00007 // any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure, or 00008 // distribution of this software and related documentation without an express 00009 // license agreement from NVIDIA Corporation is strictly prohibited. 00010 // 00011 // ALL NVIDIA DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, CODE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS.". NVIDIA MAKES 00012 // NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO 00013 // THE MATERIALS, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, 00014 // MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 00015 // 00016 // Information and code furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. 00017 // However, NVIDIA Corporation assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such 00018 // information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may 00019 // result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent 00020 // or patent rights of NVIDIA Corporation. Details are subject to change without notice. 00021 // This code supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. 00022 // NVIDIA Corporation products are not authorized for use as critical 00023 // components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of 00024 // NVIDIA Corporation. 00025 // 00026 // Copyright (c) 2008-2013 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. 00027 00028 #ifndef NV_PARAMETERIZED_H 00029 #define NV_PARAMETERIZED_H 00030 00048 #include "foundation/PxVec2.h" 00049 #include "foundation/PxVec3.h" 00050 #include "foundation/PxVec4.h" 00051 #include "foundation/PxQuat.h" 00052 #include "foundation/PxBounds3.h" 00053 #include "foundation/PxMat44.h" 00054 #include <stdio.h> 00055 #include <stdarg.h> 00056 #include <new> // for placement new 00057 00058 PX_PUSH_PACK_DEFAULT 00059 00061 namespace NvParameterized 00062 { 00063 00064 class Interface; 00065 class Traits; 00066 00070 enum ErrorType 00071 { 00072 ERROR_NONE = 0, 00073 ERROR_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED, 00074 ERROR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE, 00075 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_NAME, 00076 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLE, 00077 ERROR_CAST_FAILED, 00078 ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VAL, 00079 ERROR_SYNTAX_ERROR_IN_NAME, 00080 ERROR_IS_LEAF_NODE, 00081 ERROR_RESULT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, 00082 ERROR_NAME_DOES_NOT_MATCH_DEFINITION, 00083 ERROR_NOT_AN_ARRAY, 00084 ERROR_ARRAY_SIZE_IS_FIXED, 00085 ERROR_ARRAY_RESIZING_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED, 00086 ERROR_ARRAY_IS_TOO_SMALL, 00087 ERROR_INVALID_ARRAY_DIMENSION, 00088 ERROR_INVALID_ARRAY_SIZE, 00089 ERROR_PARAMETER_HANDLE_DOES_NOT_MATCH_CLASS, 00090 ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE, 00091 ERROR_INVALID_REFERENCE_INCLUDE_HINT, 00092 ERROR_INVALID_REFERENCE_VALUE, 00093 ERROR_PARAMETER_HANDLE_NOT_INITIALIZED, 00094 ERROR_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS_DO_NOT_MATCH, 00095 ERROR_HANDLE_MISSING_INTERFACE_POINTER, 00096 ERROR_HANDLE_INVALID_INTERFACE_POINTER, 00097 ERROR_INVALID_CALL_ON_NAMED_REFERENCE, 00098 ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, 00099 ERROR_OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_FAILED, 00100 ERROR_MODIFY_CONST_HANDLE 00101 }; 00102 00107 enum DataType 00108 { 00109 TYPE_UNDEFINED = 0, 00110 00115 TYPE_ARRAY = 1, 00116 00117 TYPE_STRUCT = 2, 00118 00119 TYPE_BOOL = 3, 00124 TYPE_STRING = 4, 00125 00130 TYPE_ENUM = 5, 00131 00143 TYPE_REF = 6, 00144 00145 TYPE_I8 = 7, 00146 TYPE_I16 = 8, 00147 TYPE_I32 = 9, 00148 TYPE_I64 = 10, 00149 00150 TYPE_U8 = 11, 00151 TYPE_U16 = 12, 00152 TYPE_U32 = 13, 00153 TYPE_U64 = 14, 00154 00155 TYPE_F32 = 15, 00156 TYPE_F64 = 16, 00157 00158 TYPE_VEC2 = 17, 00159 TYPE_VEC3 = 18, 00160 TYPE_VEC4 = 19, 00161 TYPE_QUAT = 20, 00162 TYPE_MAT33 = 21, 00163 TYPE_BOUNDS3 = 23, 00164 TYPE_MAT44 = 24, 00165 00166 TYPE_POINTER = 25, 00167 00168 TYPE_TRANSFORM = 26, 00169 00170 TYPE_MAT34 = 27, 00171 00172 TYPE_LAST 00173 }; 00174 00180 class Hint 00181 { 00182 public: 00183 00187 virtual ~Hint() {} 00191 virtual const char * name(void) const = 0; 00192 00196 virtual DataType type(void) const = 0; 00197 00202 virtual uint64_t asUInt(void) const = 0; 00203 00208 virtual double asFloat(void) const = 0; 00209 00214 virtual const char * asString(void) const = 0; 00215 00219 virtual bool setAsUInt(uint64_t v) = 0; 00220 00221 private: 00222 }; 00223 00227 class Definition 00228 { 00229 public: 00230 00234 virtual ~Definition() {} 00235 00239 virtual void destroy() = 0; 00240 00244 virtual int32_t numHints(void) const = 0; 00245 00250 virtual const Hint * hint(int32_t index) const = 0; 00251 00256 virtual const Hint * hint(const char *name) const = 0; 00257 00262 virtual void setHints(const Hint **hints, int32_t n) = 0; 00263 00268 virtual void addHint(Hint *hint) = 0; 00269 00274 virtual const Definition * parent(void) const = 0; 00275 00279 virtual const Definition * root(void) const = 0; 00280 00284 virtual const char * name(void) const = 0; 00285 00291 virtual const char * longName(void) const = 0; 00292 00297 virtual const char * structName(void) const = 0; 00298 00302 virtual DataType type(void) const = 0; 00303 00307 virtual const char* typeString() const = 0; 00308 00314 virtual int32_t numRefVariants(void) const = 0; 00315 00320 virtual int32_t refVariantValIndex( const char * ref_val ) const = 0; 00321 00325 virtual const char * refVariantVal(int32_t index) const = 0; 00326 00330 virtual int32_t numEnumVals(void) const = 0; 00331 00336 virtual int32_t enumValIndex( const char * enum_val ) const = 0; 00337 00342 virtual const char * enumVal(int32_t index) const = 0; 00343 00348 virtual void setEnumVals(const char **enum_vals, int32_t n) = 0; 00349 00354 virtual void addEnumVal(const char *enum_val) = 0; 00355 00359 virtual uint32_t alignment(void) const = 0; 00360 00364 virtual uint32_t padding(void) const = 0; 00365 00369 virtual int32_t arrayDimension(void) const = 0; 00370 00375 virtual int32_t arraySize(int32_t dimension = 0) const = 0; 00376 00380 virtual bool arraySizeIsFixed(void) const = 0; 00381 00386 virtual bool setArraySize(int32_t size) = 0; // -1 if the size is not fixed 00387 00391 virtual bool isLeaf(void) const = 0; 00392 00396 virtual bool isIncludedRef(void) const = 0; 00397 00401 virtual int32_t numChildren(void) const = 0; 00402 00406 virtual const Definition *child(int32_t index) const = 0; 00407 00412 virtual const Definition *child(const char *name, int32_t &index) const = 0; 00413 00418 virtual void setChildren(Definition **children, int32_t n) = 0; 00419 00424 virtual void addChild(Definition *child) = 0; 00425 00429 virtual void setDynamicHandleIndicesMap(const uint8_t *indices, uint32_t numIndices) = 0; 00430 00434 virtual const uint8_t * getDynamicHandleIndicesMap(uint32_t &outNumIndices) const = 0; 00435 00441 virtual bool isSimpleType(bool simpleStructs = true, bool simpleStrings = true) const = 0; 00442 }; 00443 00447 class Handle 00448 { 00449 public: 00450 00451 enum { MAX_DEPTH = 16 }; 00452 00456 PX_INLINE Handle(::NvParameterized::Interface *iface); 00457 00461 PX_INLINE Handle(::NvParameterized::Interface &iface); 00462 00467 PX_INLINE Handle(const ::NvParameterized::Interface &iface); 00468 00472 PX_INLINE Handle(const Handle ¶m_handle); 00473 00477 PX_INLINE Handle(::NvParameterized::Interface &instance, const char *longName); 00478 00483 PX_INLINE Handle(const ::NvParameterized::Interface &instance, const char *longName); 00484 00488 PX_INLINE const Definition *parameterDefinition(void) const { return(mParameterDefinition); } 00489 00493 PX_INLINE int32_t numIndexes(void) const { return(mNumIndexes); } 00494 00498 PX_INLINE int32_t index(int32_t i) const { return(mIndexList[i]); } 00499 00503 PX_INLINE int32_t popIndex(int32_t levels = 1); 00504 00508 PX_INLINE ErrorType set(const ::NvParameterized::Interface *instance, const Definition *root, const char *child_long_name); 00509 00513 PX_INLINE ErrorType set(const ::NvParameterized::Interface *instance, const char *child_long_name); 00514 00522 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParameter(const char *longName); 00523 00530 PX_INLINE ErrorType set(int32_t child_index); 00531 00537 PX_INLINE ErrorType getChildHandle(const ::NvParameterized::Interface *instance, const char *child_long_name, Handle &outHandle); 00538 00543 PX_INLINE ErrorType getChildHandle(int32_t index, Handle &outHandle); 00544 00549 PX_INLINE bool getLongName(char *str, uint32_t max_str_len) const; 00550 00554 PX_INLINE void reset(); 00555 00559 PX_INLINE bool isConst(void) const { return(mIsConst); } 00560 00564 PX_INLINE bool isValid(void) const { return(mIsValid); } 00565 00569 PX_INLINE operator bool() const { return(isValid()); } 00570 00574 PX_INLINE const void *userData(void) const { return(mUserData); } 00575 00579 PX_INLINE void *userData(void) { return(mUserData); } 00580 00584 PX_INLINE void setUserData(void *user_data) { mUserData = user_data; } 00585 00590 PX_INLINE ::NvParameterized::Interface * getInterface(void) const { return mIsConst ? 0 : mInterface; } 00591 00595 PX_INLINE const ::NvParameterized::Interface * getConstInterface(void) const { return mInterface; } 00596 00600 PX_INLINE void setInterface(::NvParameterized::Interface *iface) { mIsConst = false; mInterface = iface; } 00601 00605 PX_INLINE void setInterface(const ::NvParameterized::Interface *iface) { mIsConst = true; mInterface = (::NvParameterized::Interface *)iface; } 00606 00617 PX_INLINE ErrorType initParamRef(const char *chosenRefStr = 0, bool doDestroyOld = false); 00618 00626 PX_INLINE ErrorType valueToStr(char *buf, uint32_t bufSize, const char *&ret); 00627 00633 PX_INLINE ErrorType strToValue(const char *str, const char **endptr); 00634 00638 ErrorType resizeArray(int32_t new_size); 00639 00643 PX_INLINE ErrorType getArraySize(int32_t &size, int32_t dimension = 0) const; 00644 00648 PX_INLINE ErrorType swapArrayElements(uint32_t firstElement, uint32_t secondElement); 00649 00650 // These functions wrap the raw(Get|Set)XXXXX() methods. They deal with 00651 // error handling and casting. 00652 00656 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamBool(bool &val) const ; 00657 00661 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamBool(bool val) ; 00662 00666 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamBoolArray(bool *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00667 00671 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamBoolArray(const bool *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00672 00676 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamString(const char *&val) const ; 00677 00681 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamString(const char *val) ; 00682 00686 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamStringArray(char **array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00687 00691 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamStringArray(const char **array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00692 00696 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamEnum(const char *&val) const ; 00697 00701 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamEnum(const char *val) ; 00702 00706 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamEnumArray(char **array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00707 00711 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamEnumArray(const char **array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00712 00716 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamRef(::NvParameterized::Interface *&val) const ; 00717 00721 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamRefArray(::NvParameterized::Interface **array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00722 00726 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamRef(::NvParameterized::Interface * val, bool doDestroyOld = false) ; 00727 00731 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamRefArray(::NvParameterized::Interface **array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0, bool doDestroyOld = false) ; 00732 00736 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamI8(int8_t &val) const ; 00737 00741 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamI8(int8_t val) ; 00742 00746 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamI8Array(int8_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00747 00751 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamI8Array(const int8_t *val, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00752 00756 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamI16(int16_t &val) const ; 00757 00761 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamI16(int16_t val) ; 00762 00766 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamI16Array(int16_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00767 00771 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamI16Array(const int16_t *val, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00772 00776 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamI32(int32_t &val) const ; 00777 00781 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamI32(int32_t val) ; 00782 00786 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamI32Array(int32_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00787 00791 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamI32Array(const int32_t *val, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00792 00796 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamI64(int64_t &val) const ; 00797 00801 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamI64(int64_t val) ; 00802 00806 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamI64Array(int64_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00807 00811 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamI64Array(const int64_t *val, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00812 00816 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamU8(uint8_t &val) const ; 00817 00821 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamU8(uint8_t val) ; 00822 00826 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamU8Array(uint8_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00827 00831 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamU8Array(const uint8_t *val, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00832 00836 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamU16(uint16_t &val) const ; 00837 00841 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamU16(uint16_t val) ; 00842 00846 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamU16Array(uint16_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00847 00851 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamU16Array(const uint16_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00852 00856 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamU32(uint32_t &val) const ; 00857 00861 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamU32(uint32_t val) ; 00862 00866 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamU32Array(uint32_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00867 00871 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamU32Array(const uint32_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00872 00876 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamU64(uint64_t &val) const ; 00877 00881 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamU64(uint64_t val) ; 00882 00886 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamU64Array(uint64_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00887 00891 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamU64Array(const uint64_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00892 00896 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamF32(float &val) const ; 00897 00901 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamF32(float val) ; 00902 00906 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamF32Array(float *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00907 00911 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamF32Array(const float *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00912 00916 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamF64(double &val) const ; 00917 00921 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamF64(double val) ; 00922 00926 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamF64Array(double *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00927 00931 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamF64Array(const double *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00932 00936 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamVec2(const physx::PxVec2 &val) ; 00937 00941 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamVec2(physx::PxVec2 &val) const ; 00942 00946 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamVec2Array(physx::PxVec2 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00947 00951 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamVec2Array(const physx::PxVec2 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00952 00956 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamVec3(const physx::PxVec3 &val) ; 00957 00961 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamVec3(physx::PxVec3 &val) const ; 00962 00966 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamVec3Array(physx::PxVec3 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00967 00971 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamVec3Array(const physx::PxVec3 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00972 00976 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamVec4(const physx::PxVec4 &val) ; 00977 00981 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamVec4(physx::PxVec4 &val) const ; 00982 00986 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamVec4Array(physx::PxVec4 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 00987 00991 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamVec4Array(const physx::PxVec4 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 00992 00996 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamQuat(const physx::PxQuat &val) ; 00997 01001 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamQuat(physx::PxQuat &val) const ; 01002 01006 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamQuatArray(physx::PxQuat *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 01007 01011 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamQuatArray(const physx::PxQuat *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 01012 01016 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamMat33(const physx::PxMat33 &val) ; 01017 01021 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamMat33(physx::PxMat33 &val) const ; 01022 01026 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamMat33Array(physx::PxMat33 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 01027 01031 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamMat33Array(const physx::PxMat33 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 01032 01036 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamMat44(const physx::PxMat44 &val) ; 01037 01041 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamMat44(physx::PxMat44 &val) const ; 01042 01046 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamMat44Array(physx::PxMat44 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 01047 01051 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamMat44Array(const physx::PxMat44 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 01052 01056 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamMat34Legacy(const float (&val)[12]) ; 01057 01061 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamMat34Legacy(float (&val)[12]) const ; 01062 01066 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamMat34LegacyArray(float* array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 01067 01071 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamMat34LegacyArray(const float *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 01072 01076 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamBounds3(const physx::PxBounds3 &val) ; 01077 01081 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamBounds3(physx::PxBounds3 &val) const ; 01082 01086 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamBounds3Array(physx::PxBounds3 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 01087 01091 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamBounds3Array(const physx::PxBounds3 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 01092 01096 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamTransform(const physx::PxTransform &val) ; 01097 01101 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamTransform(physx::PxTransform &val) const ; 01102 01106 PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamTransformArray(physx::PxTransform *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const ; 01107 01111 PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamTransformArray(const physx::PxTransform *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) ; 01112 01113 01115 template <typename T> PX_INLINE ErrorType setParam(const T &val); 01116 01118 template <typename T> PX_INLINE ErrorType getParam(T &val) const; 01119 01121 template <typename T> PX_INLINE ErrorType getParamArray(T *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const; 01122 01124 template <typename T> PX_INLINE ErrorType setParamArray(const T *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0); 01125 01126 private: 01127 01128 PX_INLINE void pushIndex(int32_t index); 01129 01130 bool mIsValid, mIsConst; 01131 int32_t mNumIndexes; 01132 int32_t mIndexList[MAX_DEPTH]; 01133 const Definition *mParameterDefinition; 01134 void *mUserData; 01135 ::NvParameterized::Interface *mInterface; 01136 }; 01137 01139 class SerializationCallback 01140 { 01141 public: 01142 virtual ~SerializationCallback() {} 01144 virtual void preSerialize(void* userData = NULL) = 0; 01145 }; 01146 01147 01151 class Interface 01152 { 01153 friend class Handle; 01154 public: 01155 01159 virtual ~Interface() {} 01160 01164 virtual void destroy() = 0; 01165 01169 virtual void initDefaults(void) = 0; 01170 01174 virtual void initRandom(void) = 0; 01175 01179 virtual const char * className(void) const = 0; 01180 01187 virtual void setClassName(const char *name) = 0; 01188 01193 virtual const char * name(void) const = 0; 01194 01199 virtual void setName(const char *name) = 0; 01200 01204 virtual uint32_t version(void) const = 0; 01205 01209 virtual uint16_t getMajorVersion(void) const = 0; 01210 01214 virtual uint16_t getMinorVersion(void) const = 0; 01215 01221 virtual const uint32_t * checksum(uint32_t &bits) const = 0; 01222 01226 virtual int32_t numParameters(void) = 0; 01227 01231 virtual const Definition *parameterDefinition(int32_t index) = 0; 01232 01236 virtual const Definition *rootParameterDefinition(void) = 0; 01237 01241 virtual const Definition *rootParameterDefinition(void) const = 0; 01242 01250 virtual ErrorType getParameterHandle(const char *longName, Handle &handle) const = 0; 01251 01259 virtual ErrorType getParameterHandle(const char *longName, Handle &handle) = 0; 01260 01262 virtual void setSerializationCallback(SerializationCallback *cb, void *userData = NULL) = 0; 01263 01265 virtual ErrorType callPreSerializeCallback() const = 0; 01266 01267 01276 virtual bool equals(const ::NvParameterized::Interface &obj, Handle* handlesOfInequality = NULL, uint32_t numHandlesOfInequality = 0, bool doCompareNotSerialized = true) const = 0; 01277 01284 virtual bool areParamsOK(Handle *invalidHandles = NULL, uint32_t numInvalidHandles = 0) = 0; 01285 01290 virtual ErrorType copy(const ::NvParameterized::Interface &src) = 0; 01291 01296 virtual ErrorType clone(Interface *&nullDestObject) const = 0; 01297 01302 virtual bool checkAlignments() const = 0; 01303 01304 protected: 01310 virtual ErrorType initParamRef(const Handle &handle, const char *chosenRefStr = 0, bool doDestroyOld = false) = 0; 01311 01312 // These functions wrap the raw(Get|Set)XXXXX() methods. They deal with 01313 // error handling and casting. 01314 01318 virtual ErrorType getParamBool(const Handle &handle, bool &val) const = 0; 01319 01323 virtual ErrorType setParamBool(const Handle &handle, bool val) = 0; 01324 01328 virtual ErrorType getParamBoolArray(const Handle &handle, bool *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01329 01333 virtual ErrorType setParamBoolArray(const Handle &handle, const bool *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01334 01338 virtual ErrorType getParamString(const Handle &handle, const char *&val) const = 0; 01339 01343 virtual ErrorType setParamString(const Handle &handle, const char *val) = 0; 01344 01348 virtual ErrorType getParamStringArray(const Handle &handle, char **array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01349 01353 virtual ErrorType setParamStringArray(const Handle &handle, const char **array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01354 01358 virtual ErrorType getParamEnum(const Handle &handle, const char *&val) const = 0; 01359 01363 virtual ErrorType setParamEnum(const Handle &handle, const char *val) = 0; 01364 01368 virtual ErrorType getParamEnumArray(const Handle &handle, char **array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01369 01373 virtual ErrorType setParamEnumArray(const Handle &handle, const char **array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01374 01378 virtual ErrorType getParamRef(const Handle &handle, ::NvParameterized::Interface *&val) const = 0; 01379 01383 virtual ErrorType getParamRefArray(const Handle &handle, ::NvParameterized::Interface **array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01384 01388 virtual ErrorType setParamRef(const Handle &handle, ::NvParameterized::Interface * val, bool doDestroyOld = false) = 0; 01389 01393 virtual ErrorType setParamRefArray(const Handle &handle, /*const*/ ::NvParameterized::Interface **array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0, bool doDestroyOld = false) = 0; 01394 01398 virtual ErrorType getParamI8(const Handle &handle, int8_t &val) const = 0; 01399 01403 virtual ErrorType setParamI8(const Handle &handle, int8_t val) = 0; 01404 01408 virtual ErrorType getParamI8Array(const Handle &handle, int8_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01409 01413 virtual ErrorType setParamI8Array(const Handle &handle, const int8_t *val, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01414 01418 virtual ErrorType getParamI16(const Handle &handle, int16_t &val) const = 0; 01419 01423 virtual ErrorType setParamI16(const Handle &handle, int16_t val) = 0; 01424 01428 virtual ErrorType getParamI16Array(const Handle &handle, int16_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01429 01433 virtual ErrorType setParamI16Array(const Handle &handle, const int16_t *val, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01434 01438 virtual ErrorType getParamI32(const Handle &handle, int32_t &val) const = 0; 01439 01443 virtual ErrorType setParamI32(const Handle &handle, int32_t val) = 0; 01444 01448 virtual ErrorType getParamI32Array(const Handle &handle, int32_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01449 01453 virtual ErrorType setParamI32Array(const Handle &handle, const int32_t *val, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01454 01458 virtual ErrorType getParamI64(const Handle &handle, int64_t &val) const = 0; 01459 01463 virtual ErrorType setParamI64(const Handle &handle, int64_t val) = 0; 01464 01468 virtual ErrorType getParamI64Array(const Handle &handle, int64_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01469 01473 virtual ErrorType setParamI64Array(const Handle &handle, const int64_t *val, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01474 01478 virtual ErrorType getParamU8(const Handle &handle, uint8_t &val) const = 0; 01479 01483 virtual ErrorType setParamU8(const Handle &handle, uint8_t val) = 0; 01484 01488 virtual ErrorType getParamU8Array(const Handle &handle, uint8_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01489 01493 virtual ErrorType setParamU8Array(const Handle &handle, const uint8_t *val, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01494 01498 virtual ErrorType getParamU16(const Handle &handle, uint16_t &val) const = 0; 01499 01503 virtual ErrorType setParamU16(const Handle &handle, uint16_t val) = 0; 01504 01508 virtual ErrorType getParamU16Array(const Handle &handle, uint16_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01509 01513 virtual ErrorType setParamU16Array(const Handle &handle, const uint16_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01514 01518 virtual ErrorType getParamU32(const Handle &handle, uint32_t &val) const = 0; 01519 01523 virtual ErrorType setParamU32(const Handle &handle, uint32_t val) = 0; 01524 01528 virtual ErrorType getParamU32Array(const Handle &handle, uint32_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01529 01533 virtual ErrorType setParamU32Array(const Handle &handle, const uint32_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01534 01538 virtual ErrorType getParamU64(const Handle &handle, uint64_t &val) const = 0; 01539 01543 virtual ErrorType setParamU64(const Handle &handle, uint64_t val) = 0; 01544 01548 virtual ErrorType getParamU64Array(const Handle &handle, uint64_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01549 01553 virtual ErrorType setParamU64Array(const Handle &handle, const uint64_t *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01554 01558 virtual ErrorType getParamF32(const Handle &handle, float &val) const = 0; 01559 01563 virtual ErrorType setParamF32(const Handle &handle, float val) = 0; 01564 01568 virtual ErrorType getParamF32Array(const Handle &handle, float *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01569 01573 virtual ErrorType setParamF32Array(const Handle &handle, const float *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01574 01578 virtual ErrorType getParamF64(const Handle &handle, double &val) const = 0; 01579 01583 virtual ErrorType setParamF64(const Handle &handle, double val) = 0; 01584 01588 virtual ErrorType getParamF64Array(const Handle &handle, double *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01589 01593 virtual ErrorType setParamF64Array(const Handle &handle, const double *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01594 01598 virtual ErrorType setParamVec2(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxVec2 &val) = 0; 01599 01603 virtual ErrorType getParamVec2(const Handle &handle, physx::PxVec2 &val) const = 0; 01604 01608 virtual ErrorType getParamVec2Array(const Handle &handle, physx::PxVec2 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01609 01613 virtual ErrorType setParamVec2Array(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxVec2 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01614 01618 virtual ErrorType setParamVec3(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxVec3 &val) = 0; 01619 01623 virtual ErrorType getParamVec3(const Handle &handle, physx::PxVec3 &val) const = 0; 01624 01628 virtual ErrorType getParamVec3Array(const Handle &handle, physx::PxVec3 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01629 01633 virtual ErrorType setParamVec3Array(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxVec3 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01634 01638 virtual ErrorType setParamVec4(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxVec4 &val) = 0; 01639 01643 virtual ErrorType getParamVec4(const Handle &handle, physx::PxVec4 &val) const = 0; 01644 01648 virtual ErrorType getParamVec4Array(const Handle &handle, physx::PxVec4 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01649 01653 virtual ErrorType setParamVec4Array(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxVec4 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01654 01658 virtual ErrorType setParamQuat(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxQuat &val) = 0; 01659 01663 virtual ErrorType getParamQuat(const Handle &handle, physx::PxQuat &val) const = 0; 01664 01668 virtual ErrorType getParamQuatArray(const Handle &handle, physx::PxQuat *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01669 01673 virtual ErrorType setParamQuatArray(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxQuat *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01674 01678 virtual ErrorType setParamMat33(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxMat33 &val) = 0; 01679 01683 virtual ErrorType getParamMat33(const Handle &handle, physx::PxMat33 &val) const = 0; 01684 01688 virtual ErrorType getParamMat33Array(const Handle &handle, physx::PxMat33 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01689 01693 virtual ErrorType setParamMat33Array(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxMat33 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01694 01698 virtual ErrorType setParamMat44(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxMat44 &val) = 0; 01699 01703 virtual ErrorType getParamMat44(const Handle &handle, physx::PxMat44 &val) const = 0; 01704 01708 virtual ErrorType getParamMat44Array(const Handle &handle, physx::PxMat44 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01709 01713 virtual ErrorType setParamMat44Array(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxMat44 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01714 01718 virtual ErrorType setParamMat34Legacy(const Handle &handle, const float (&val)[12]) = 0; 01719 01723 virtual ErrorType getParamMat34Legacy(const Handle &handle, float (&val)[12]) const = 0; 01724 01728 virtual ErrorType getParamMat34LegacyArray(const Handle &handle, float *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01729 01733 virtual ErrorType setParamMat34LegacyArray(const Handle &handle, const float *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01734 01738 virtual ErrorType setParamBounds3(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxBounds3 &val) = 0; 01739 01743 virtual ErrorType getParamBounds3(const Handle &handle, physx::PxBounds3 &val) const = 0; 01744 01748 virtual ErrorType getParamBounds3Array(const Handle &handle, physx::PxBounds3 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01749 01753 virtual ErrorType setParamTransform(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxTransform &val) = 0; 01754 01758 virtual ErrorType getParamTransform(const Handle &handle, physx::PxTransform &val) const = 0; 01759 01763 virtual ErrorType getParamTransformArray(const Handle &handle, physx::PxTransform *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) const = 0; 01764 01768 virtual ErrorType setParamTransformArray(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxTransform *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01769 01773 virtual ErrorType setParamBounds3Array(const Handle &handle, const physx::PxBounds3 *array, int32_t n, int32_t offset = 0) = 0; 01774 01779 virtual ErrorType valueToStr(const Handle &handle, char *buf, uint32_t bufSize, const char *&ret) = 0; 01780 01785 virtual ErrorType strToValue(Handle &handle,const char *str, const char **endptr) = 0; // assigns this string to the value 01786 01791 virtual ErrorType resizeArray(const Handle &array_handle, int32_t new_size) = 0; 01792 01797 virtual ErrorType getArraySize(const Handle &array_handle, int32_t &size, int32_t dimension = 0) const = 0; 01798 01803 virtual ErrorType swapArrayElements(const Handle &array_handle, uint32_t firstElement, uint32_t secondElement) = 0; 01804 }; 01805 01806 } // end of namespace 01807 01808 #include "NvParameterized.inl" // inline the NvParamterHandle methods. 01809 01810 PX_POP_PACK 01811 01812 #endif // NV_PARAMETERIZED_H
Generated on Fri Dec 15 2017 13:58:35 Copyright © 2012-2017 NVIDIA Corporation, 2701 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95050 U.S.A. All rights reserved.
