NI-RFSG C Function


Access Applies to Coercion High Level Functions
ViInt32 R/W N/A None niRFSG_ConfigureGenerationMode


Use this attribute to specify whether to generate a continuous wave (CW) signal, a single arbitrary waveform, or a script, upon calling the niRFSG_Initiate function. To set this attribute, the NI-RFSG device must be in the Configuration state.

Defined Values:

NIRFSG_VAL_CWConfigures the RF signal generator to generate a CW signal.
NIRFSG_VAL_ARB_WAVEFORMConfigures the RF signal generator to generate the arbitrary waveform specified by the NIRFSG_ATTR_ARB_SELECTED_WAVEFORM attribute.
NIRFSG_VAL_SCRIPTConfigures the RF signal generator to generate arbitrary waveforms as directed by the NIRFSG_ATTR_SELECTED_SCRIPT attribute. Refer to Scripting Instructions for more information about scripting.

Default Value: NIRFSG_VAL_CW

Supported Devices: NI 5650/5651/5652 (CW support only), NI 5670/5671/5672