Data type |
Access | Coercion | High Level Functions |
ViReal64 | RO | None | None |
Indicates the signal generator device temperature in degrees Celsius.
Serial signals between the sensor and the system control unit could modulate the signal being generated, causing phase spurs. After the device is thoroughly warmed up, its temperature varies only slightly (less than 1 °C) and slowly, so it is not necessary to constantly poll this temperature sensor. For these reasons, NI-RFSG reads the temperature sensor not more than once every minute.
Queries to this attribute return the previous sensor reading until at least one minute has passed since the previous sensor reading occurred. Refer to the thermal management section for more information about device temperature.
Supported Devices: NI 5610 (upconverter only mode), NI 5650/5651/5652/5670/5671/5672