
NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras Function



rval = imaq1394Snap (SESSION_ID sessionId, void *buffer, Rect rectangle);


Configures, starts, acquires, stops, and unconfigures a snap acquisition. Use a snap for low-speed or single-capture applications where ease of programming is essential. If you call this function before calling imaq1394CameraOpen2, imaq1394Snap uses cam0 by default.


Parameter Type Description
sessionId SESSION_ID A valid Session ID, which you can obtain using imaq1394CameraOpen2.
buffer void * On return, the buffer that contains the image.
rectangle Rect The area of the acquisition window to acquire. Set this parameter to IMAQ_NO_RECT to acquire the entire acquisition window.

Return Value

On success, this function returns IMG1394_ERR_GOOD. On failure, this function returns an error code. You can obtain a more detailed error message with imaq1394ShowError.