
NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras Function



rval = imaq1394GetVideoModes (SESSION_ID sessionID, VideoMode *videoModeArray, unsigned long *videoModeArraySize, unsigned long *currentMode);


Returns a list of video formats, modes, and frame rates supported by the camera. If the number of video modes is not known in advance, complete the following steps:

  1. Call this function with the videoModeArray parameter set to NULL. The necessary size is then stored in videoModeArraySize.
  2. Allocate the videoModeArray with the given size.
  3. Call this function again using with the previously allocated array.


Parameter Type Description
sessionId SESSION_ID A valid Session ID, which you can obtain using imaq1394CameraOpen2.
videoModeArray VideoMode * Contains a pointer to an array of video modes supported by the current camera. Set this parameter to NULL to get the size needed by the array in the videoModeArraySize parameter.

VideoMode contains information about the name of the video mode (size, representation, and speed) and the format, mode, and frame rate parameters as defined in the IIDC 1394-based Digital Camera Specification.
videoModeArraySize unsigned longĀ * The size of the array used to store the video modes. If the user passes NULL as the videoModeArray parameter, this parameter then contains the needed size.
currentMode unsigned longĀ * The index into the videoModeArray of the current mode used by the camera.

Return Value

On success, this function returns IMG1394_ERR_GOOD. On failure, this function returns an error code. You can obtain a more detailed error message with imaq1394ShowError.