
NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras Function



rval = imaq1394SetupGrab (SESSION_ID sessionId, Rect rectangle);


Configures and starts a grab acquisition. A grab performs an acquisition that loops continually on a ring of 3 buffers. Use a grab for high-speed image acquisition. Use imaq1394Grab2 to copy an image out of the buffer ring. If you call this function before calling imaq1394CameraOpen2, imaq1394SetupGrab uses cam0 by default. Use imaq1394ClearAcquisition to unconfigure the acquisition.


Parameter Type Description
sessionId SESSION_ID A valid Session ID, which you can obtain using imaq1394CameraOpen2.
rectangle Rect The area of the acquisition window to acquire. Set this parameter to IMAQ_NO_RECT to acquire the entire acquisition window.
Note  If your camera supports Partial Image Size Format (Format 7), you can use that setting to change the size of the image transferred over the 1394 bus. These values are coerced to the next highest multiple of the unit width or height supported by your camera.

Return Value

On success, this function returns IMG1394_ERR_GOOD. On failure, this function returns an error code. You can obtain a more detailed error message with imaq1394ShowError.