
NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras Function



rval = imaq1394SetupSequence (SESSION_ID sessionID, void **buffers, unsigned long bufferCount, int skipCount, Rect rectangle);


Configures and starts a session for acquiring a full sequence in the buffer list. A sequence acquisition acquires a full sequence of images into the image array. The acquisition is started automatically, and the function returns after the sequence has been acquired.


Parameter Type Description
sessionId SESSION_ID A valid Session ID, which you can obtain using imaq1394CameraOpen2.
buffers void ** An array of buffers. Each element in the array must be a pointer to a valid buffer.
bufferCount unsigned long The number of buffers in the buffers array.
skipCount int Reserved for future use. Set to 0.
rectangle Rect The area of the acquisition window to acquire. Set this parameter to IMAQ_NO_RECT to acquire the entire acquisition window.

Return Value

On success, this function returns IMG1394_ERR_GOOD. On failure, this function returns an error code. You can obtain a more detailed error message with imaq1394ShowError.