
NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras Function



rval = imaq1394CameraOpen(char *camera_name, SESSION_ID *sessionId);


Opens a camera by name, as configured in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). Camera names follow the convention (cam0, cam1, ..., camN)


Parameter Type Description
camera_name char * Name of the camera you want to use. camera_name must contain the camera identifier (cam0, cam1, ..., camN) or it must match the configuration file name you used to configure the camera in MAX.
sessionId SESSION_ID (passed by reference) A valid Session ID.

Return Value

On success, this function returns IMG1394_ERR_GOOD. On failure this function returns an error code. You can obtain a more detailed error message with imaq1394ShowError or imaq1394ShowErrorCW, if you are using Microsoft Visual Basic.