NI 653X Device Physical Channels

NI-DAQmx Device Considerations

NI 653X Device Physical Channels

Digital Input and Output

All NI 653X devices have 32 individually configurable lines of digital input and output that are grouped into four 8-bit ports.

Port NI-DAQmx Physical Channel Name (Lines) NI-DAQmx Physical Channel Name (Ports)1
Port 0 Dev1/port0/line0Dev1/port0/line7 Dev1/port0
Port 1 Dev1/port1/line0Dev1/port1/line7 Dev1/port1
Port 2 Dev1/port2/line0Dev1/port2/line7 Dev1/port2
Port 3 Dev1/port3/line0Dev1/port3/line7 Dev1/port3
1This physical channel name refers to all eight lines in a port at once.

For Ports 0 through 3, you can configure a port width of eight, 16, or 32 bits. To configure a 32-bit port, use the physical channel name Dev1/port0_32. To configure a 16-bit port, use channel names that refer to all the lines in multiple consecutive ports: Dev1/portP_N, where P is the port number of the lowest numbered port, and N is the total number of lines. For instance, combining Port 2 and 3 into a 16-bit port, you would specify Dev1/port2_16 as the physical channel.

NI 653X devices also have eight fixed-direction lines, grouped into two ports, that use PFI lines. Port 4 is used for input operations; Port 5 is for output.

Port 4 and port 5 can be used as static digital I/O lines or PFI lines. When any of these PFI lines is used as a digital I/O signal, it uses the physical channel name shown in the following table.

PFI Signal Physical Channel Name
PFI0 Dev1/port4/line0
PFI1 Dev1/port4/line1
PFI2 Dev1/port4/line2
PFI3 Dev1/port4/line3
PFI4 Dev1/port5/line2
PFI5 Dev1/port5/line3
PFI6 Dev1/port5/line0
PFI7 Dev1/port5/line1