Returns or sets the axis type. Read/write XlAxisType.
XlAxisType can be one of these XlAxisType constants. |
xlSeriesAxis |
xlCategory |
xlValue |
expression Required. An expression that returns an Axis object.
Type property as it applies to the ChartColorFormat object.
Returns the color type. Read-only Long.
expression Required. An expression that returns a ChartColorFormat object.
Type property as it applies to the ChartFillFormat object.
Returns the fill type. Read-only MsoFillType.
MsoFillType can be one of these MsoFillType constants. |
msoFillGradient |
msoFillBackground |
msoFillMixed |
msoFillPatterned |
msoFillPicture |
msoFillSolid |
msoFillTextured |
expression Required. An expression that returns a ChartFillFormat object.
Type property as it applies to the DataLabel and DataLabels objects.
Returns or sets the data label type. Read/write Variant.
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the Series object.
Returns or sets the series type. Read/write Long.
expression Required. An expression that returns a Series object.
Type property as it applies to the Trendline object.
Returns or sets the trendline type. Read/write XlTrendlineType.
XlTrendlineType can be one of these XlTrendlineType constants. |
xlExponential |
xlLinear |
xlLogarithmic |
xlMovingAvg |
xlPolynomial |
xlPower |
expression Required. An expression that returns a Trendline object.
As it applies to the Trendline object.
This example changes the trendline type for the first series in the chart. If the series has no trendline, this example fails.
myChart.SeriesCollection(1).Trendlines(1).Type = xlMovingAvg