Add Method

Microsoft Graph Visual Basic

expression.Add(Type, Order, Period, Forward, Backward, Intercept, DisplayEquation, DisplayRSquared, Name)

expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

Type   Optional XlTrendlineType. The type of trendline.

XlTrendlineType can be one of these XlTrendlineType constants.
xlLinear default

Order    Optional Variant. Required if Type is xlPolynomial. The trendline order. Must be an integer from 2 through 6.

Period    Optional Variant. Required if Type is xlMovingAvg. The trendline period. Must be an integer greater than 1 and less than the number of data points in the series you're adding a trendline to.

Forward    Optional Variant. The number of periods (or units on a scatter chart) that the trendline extends forward.

Backward    Optional Variant. The number of periods (or units on a scatter chart) that the trendline extends backward.

Intercept    Optional Variant. The trendline intercept. If this argument is omitted, the intercept is automatically set by the regression.

DisplayEquation    Optional Variant. True to display the equation of the trendline on the chart (in the same data label as the R-squared value). The default value is False.

DisplayRSquared    Optional Variant. True to display the R-squared value of the trendline on the chart (in the same data label as the equation). The default value is False.

Name    Optional Variant. The name of the trendline, as text. If this argument is omitted, Microsoft Graph generates a name.


This example creates a new linear trendline on the chart.
