XlChartType can be one of these XlChartType constants. |
xl3DArea. 3-D Area |
xl3DAreaStacked. 3-D Stacked Area |
xl3DAreaStacked100. 3-D Stacked Area |
xl3DBarClustered. 3-D Clustered Bar |
xl3DBarStacked. 3-D Stacked Bar |
xl3DBarStacked100. 3-D 100% Stacked Bar |
xl3DColumn. 3-D Column |
xl3DColumnClustered. 3-D Clustered Column |
xl3DColumnStacked. 3-D Stacked Column |
xl3DColumnStacked100. 3-D 100% Stacked Column |
xl3DLine. 3-D Line |
xl3DPie. 3-D Pie |
xl3DPieExploded. Exploded 3-D Pie |
xlArea. Area |
xlAreaStacked. Stacked Area |
xlAreaStacked100. 100% Stacked Area |
xlBarClustered. Clustered Bar |
xlBarOfPie. Bar of Pie |
xlBarStacked. Stacked Bar |
xlBarStacked100. 100% Stacked Bar |
xlBubble. Bubble |
xlBubble3DEffect. Bubble with 3-D Effects |
xlColumnClustered. Clustered Column |
xlColumnStacked. Stacked Column |
xlColumnStacked100. 100% Stacked Column |
xlConeBarClustered. Clustered Cone Bar |
xlConeBarStacked. Stacked Cone Bar |
xlConeBarStacked100. 100% Stacked Cone Bar |
xlConeCol. 3-D Cone Column |
xlConeColClustered. Clustered Cone Column |
xlConeColStacked. Stacked Cone Column |
xlConeColStacked100. 100% Stacked Cone Column |
xlCylinderBarStacked. Stacked Cylinder Bar |
xlCylinderCol. 3-D Cylinder Column |
xlCylinderColStacked. Stacked Cylinder Column |
xlCylinderBarClustered. Clustered Cylinder Bar |
xlCylinderBarStacked100. 100% Stacked Cylinder Bar |
xlCylinderColClustered. Clustered Cylinder Column |
xlCylinderColStacked100. 100% Stacked Cylinder Column |
xlDoughnut. Doughnut |
xlDoughnutExploded. Exploded Doughnut |
xlLineMarkers. Line with Data Markers |
xlLineMarkersStacked100. 100% Stacked Line with Markers |
xlLineStacked100. 100% Stacked Line |
xlLine. Line |
xlLineMarkersStacked. Stacked Line with Data Markers |
xlLineStacked. Stacked Line |
xlPie. Pie |
xlPieExploded. Exploded Pie |
xlPieOfPie. Pie of Pie |
xlPyramidBarClustered. Clustered Pyramid Bar |
xlPyramidBarStacked. Stacked Pyramid Bar |
xlPyramidBarStacked100. 100% Stacked Pyramid Bar |
xlPyramidCol. 3-D Pyramid Column |
xlPyramidColStacked. Stacked Pyramid Column |
xlPyramidColClustered. Clustered Pyramid Column |
xlPyramidColStacked100. 100% Stacked Pyramid Column |
xlRadar. Radar |
xlRadarFilled. Filled Radar |
xlRadarMarkers. Radar with Data Markers |
xlStockHLC. High-Low-Close |
xlStockOHLC. Open-High-Low-Close |
xlStockVHLC. Volume-High-Low-Close |
xlStockVOHLC. Volume-Open-High-Low-Close |
xlSurface. 3-D Surface |
xlSurfaceTopView. Surface (Top View) |
xlSurfaceTopViewWireframe. Surface (Top View wire-frame) |
xlSurfaceWireframe. 3-D Surface(wire-frame) |
xlXYScatter. Scatter |
xlXYScatterLines. Scatter with Lines |
xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers. Scatter with Lines and No Data Markers |
xlXYScatterSmooth. Scatter with SmoothedLines |
xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers. Scatter with Smoothed Lines and No Data Markers |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.
This example sets the bubble size in chart group one to 200 percent of the default size if the chart is a 2-D bubble chart.
With myChart
If .ChartType = xlBubble Then
.ChartGroups(1).BubbleScale = 200
End If
End With