Axes Method

Microsoft Graph Visual Basic

expression.Axes(Type, AxisGroup)

expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

Type    Optional XlAxisType. Specifies the axis to return. The reference style of the formula.

XlAxisType can be one of these XlAxisType constants.

xlSeriesAxis (valid only for 3-D charts)

AxisGroup    Optional XlAxisGroup. The reference style of the formula.

XlAxisGroup can be one of these XlAxisGroup constants.

If this argument is omitted, the primary group is used. 3-D charts have only one axis group.


This example adds an axis label to the category axis.

With myChart.Axes(xlCategory)
    .HasTitle = True
    .AxisTitle.Text = "July Sales"
End With

This example turns off major gridlines for the category axis.

myChart.Axes(xlCategory).HasMajorGridlines = False

This example turns off all gridlines for all axes.

For Each a In myChart.Axes
    a.HasMajorGridlines = False
    a.HasMinorGridlines = False
Next a