LowerCodeCharts Enumeration

Microsoft AntiXSS Library

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Values for the lowest section of the UTF8 Unicode code tables, from U0000 to U0FFF.

Namespace: Microsoft.Security.Application
Assembly: AntiXssLibrary40 (in AntiXssLibrary40.dll) Version:


public enum LowerCodeCharts
Visual Basic
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration LowerCodeCharts
Visual C++
public enum class LowerCodeCharts


Member nameValueDescription
None0 No code charts from the lower region of the Unicode tables are safe-listed.
BasicLatin1 The Basic Latin code table.
C1ControlsAndLatin1Supplement2 The C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement code table.
LatinExtendedA4 The Latin Extended-A code table.
LatinExtendedB8 The Latin Extended-B code table.
IpaExtensions16 The IPA Extensions code table.
SpacingModifierLetters32 The Spacing Modifier Letters code table.
CombiningDiacriticalMarks64 The Combining Diacritical Marks code table.
GreekAndCoptic128 The Greek and Coptic code table.
Cyrillic256 The Cyrillic code table.
CyrillicSupplement512 The Cyrillic Supplement code table.
Armenian1024 The Armenian code table.
Hebrew2048 The Hebrew code table.
Arabic4096 The Arabic code table.
Syriac8192 The Syriac code table.
ArabicSupplement16384 The Arabic Supplement code table.
Thaana32768 The Thaana code table.
Nko65536 The Nko code table.
Samaritan131072 The Samaritan code table.
Devanagari262144 The Devanagari code table.
Bengali524288 The Bengali code table.
Gurmukhi1048576 The Gurmukhi code table.
Gujarati2097152 The Gujarati code table.
Oriya4194304 The Oriya code table.
Tamil8388608 The Tamil code table.
Telugu16777216 The Telugu code table.
Kannada33554432 The Kannada code table.
Malayalam67108864 The Malayalam code table.
Sinhala134217728 The Sinhala code table.
Thai268435456 The Thai code table.
Lao536870912 The Lao code table.
Tibetan1073741824 The Tibetan code table.
Default127 The default code tables marked as safe on initialisation.

See Also