UpperMidCodeCharts Enumeration

Microsoft AntiXSS Library

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Values for the upper middle section of the UTF8 Unicode code tables, from U2DE0 to UA8DF

Namespace: Microsoft.Security.Application
Assembly: AntiXssLibrary40 (in AntiXssLibrary40.dll) Version:


public enum UpperMidCodeCharts
Visual Basic
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration UpperMidCodeCharts
Visual C++
public enum class UpperMidCodeCharts


Member nameValueDescription
None0 No code charts from the lower region of the Unicode tables are safe-listed.
CyrillicExtendedA1 The Cyrillic Extended-A code table.
SupplementalPunctuation2 The Supplemental Punctuation code table.
CjkRadicalsSupplement4 The CJK Radicials Supplement code table.
KangxiRadicals8 The Kangxi Radicials code table.
IdeographicDescriptionCharacters16 The Ideographic Description Characters code table.
CjkSymbolsAndPunctuation32 The CJK Symbols and Punctuation code table.
Hiragana64 The Hiragana code table.
Katakana128 The Katakana code table.
Bopomofo256 The Bopomofo code table.
HangulCompatibilityJamo512 The Hangul Compatbility Jamo code table.
Kanbun1024 The Kanbun code table.
BopomofoExtended2048 The Bopomofu Extended code table.
CjkStrokes4096 The CJK Strokes code table.
KatakanaPhoneticExtensions8192 The Katakana Phonetic Extensoins code table.
EnclosedCjkLettersAndMonths16384 The Enclosed CJK Letters and Months code table.
CjkCompatibility32768 The CJK Compatibility code table.
CjkUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA65536 The CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A code table.
YijingHexagramSymbols131072 The Yijing Hexagram Symbols code table.
CjkUnifiedIdeographs262144 The CJK Unified Ideographs code table.
YiSyllables524288 The Yi Syllables code table.
YiRadicals1048576 The Yi Radicals code table.
Lisu2097152 The Lisu code table.
Vai4194304 The Vai code table.
CyrillicExtendedB8388608 The Cyrillic Extended-B code table.
Bamum16777216 The Bamum code table.
ModifierToneLetters33554432 The Modifier Tone Letters code table.
LatinExtendedD67108864 The Latin Extended-D code table.
SylotiNagri134217728 The Syloti Nagri code table.
CommonIndicNumberForms268435456 The Common Indic Number Forms code table.
Phagspa536870912 The Phags-pa code table.
Saurashtra1073741824 The Saurashtra code table.

See Also