MidCodeCharts Enumeration

Microsoft AntiXSS Library

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Values for the middle section of the UTF8 Unicode code tables, from U1F00 to U2DDF

Namespace: Microsoft.Security.Application
Assembly: AntiXssLibrary40 (in AntiXssLibrary40.dll) Version:


public enum MidCodeCharts
Visual Basic
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration MidCodeCharts
Visual C++
public enum class MidCodeCharts


Member nameValueDescription
None0 No code charts from the lower region of the Unicode tables are safe-listed.
GreekExtended1 The Greek Extended code table.
GeneralPunctuation2 The General Punctuation code table.
SuperscriptsAndSubscripts4 The Superscripts and Subscripts code table.
CurrencySymbols8 The Currency Symbols code table.
CombiningDiacriticalMarksForSymbols16 The Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols code table.
LetterlikeSymbols32 The Letterlike Symbols code table.
NumberForms64 The Number Forms code table.
Arrows128 The Arrows code table.
MathematicalOperators256 The Mathematical Operators code table.
MiscellaneousTechnical512 The Miscellaneous Technical code table.
ControlPictures1024 The Control Pictures code table.
OpticalCharacterRecognition2048 The Optical Character Recognition table.
EnclosedAlphanumerics4096 The Enclosed Alphanumeric code table.
BoxDrawing8192 The Box Drawing code table.
BlockElements16384 The Block Elements code table.
GeometricShapes32768 The Geometric Shapes code table.
MiscellaneousSymbols65536 The Miscellaneous Symbols code table.
Dingbats131072 The Dingbats code table.
MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA262144 The Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A code table.
SupplementalArrowsA524288 The Supplemental Arrows-A code table.
BraillePatterns1048576 The Braille Patterns code table.
SupplementalArrowsB2097152 The Supplemental Arrows-B code table.
MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB4194304 The Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B code table.
SupplementalMathematicalOperators8388608 The Supplemental Mathematical Operators code table.
MiscellaneousSymbolsAndArrows16777216 The Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows code table.
Glagolitic33554432 The Glagolitic code table.
LatinExtendedC67108864 The Latin Extended-C code table.
Coptic134217728 The Coptic code table.
GeorgianSupplement268435456 The Georgian Supplement code table.
Tifinagh536870912 The Tifinagh code table.
EthiopicExtended16384 The Ethiopic Extended code table.

See Also