LowerMidCodeCharts Enumeration

Microsoft AntiXSS Library

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Values for the lower-mid section of the UTF8 Unicode code tables, from U1000 to U1EFF.

Namespace: Microsoft.Security.Application
Assembly: AntiXssLibrary40 (in AntiXssLibrary40.dll) Version:


public enum LowerMidCodeCharts
Visual Basic
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration LowerMidCodeCharts
Visual C++
public enum class LowerMidCodeCharts


Member nameValueDescription
None0 No code charts from the lower-mid region of the Unicode tables are safe-listed.
Myanmar1 The Myanmar code table.
Georgian2 The Georgian code table.
HangulJamo4 The Hangul Jamo code table.
Ethiopic8 The Ethiopic code table.
EthiopicSupplement16 The Ethiopic supplement code table.
Cherokee32 The Cherokee code table.
UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics64 The Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics code table.
Ogham128 The Ogham code table.
Runic256 The Runic code table.
Tagalog512 The Tagalog code table.
Hanunoo1024 The Hanunoo code table.
Buhid2048 The Buhid code table.
Tagbanwa4096 The Tagbanwa code table.
Khmer8192 The Khmer code table.
Mongolian16384 The Mongolian code table.
UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabicsExtended32768 The Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended code table.
Limbu65536 The Limbu code table.
TaiLe131072 The Tai Le code table.
NewTaiLue262144 The New Tai Lue code table.
KhmerSymbols524288 The Khmer Symbols code table
Buginese1048576 The Buginese code table.
TaiTham2097152 The Tai Tham code table.
Balinese4194304 The Balinese code table.
Sudanese8388608 The Sudanese code table.
Lepcha16777216 The Lepcha code table.
OlChiki33554432 The Ol Chiki code table.
VedicExtensions67108864 The Vedic Extensions code table.
PhoneticExtensions134217728 The Phonetic Extensions code table.
PhoneticExtensionsSupplement268435456 The Phonetic Extensions Supplement code table.
CombiningDiacriticalMarksSupplement536870912 The Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement code table.
LatinExtendedAdditional1073741824 The Latin Extended Additional code table.

See Also