SocksClient Properties Proxy Proxy Documentation

SocksClient Properties

The properties of the SocksClient class are listed below. For a complete list of SocksClient class members, see the SocksClient Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

MustAuthenticateGets or sets the SOCKS handler to be used when communicating with the client.

Protected Instance Properties

Buffer (inherited from Client)Gets the buffer to store all the incoming data from the local client.
RemoteBuffer (inherited from Client)Gets the buffer to store all the incoming data from the remote host.

Internal Instance Properties

HandlerGets or sets the SOCKS handler to be used when communicating with the client.

Private Instance Properties

AuthListGets or sets the AuthenticationList to use when a computer tries to authenticate on the proxy server.

See Also

SocksClient Class | Org.Mentalis.Proxy.Socks Namespace