ProxyConfig Methods Proxy Proxy Documentation

ProxyConfig Methods

The methods of the ProxyConfig class are listed below. For a complete list of ProxyConfig class members, see the ProxyConfig Members topic.

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
GetType (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
LoadData Loads the data from an XML file.
ReadBytes Reads a byte array from the settings section.
ReadIntOverloaded. Reads an integer from the settings section.
ReadStringOverloaded. Reads a string from the settings section.
RemoveUserOverloaded. Removes a user from the authentication list.
SaveData Saves the data in this class to an XML file.
SaveSettingOverloaded. Saves a string to the settings section.
SaveUserHashOverloaded. Saves a username and password hash combination to the authentication list.
SaveUserPassOverloaded. Saves a username and password combination to the authentication list.
ToString (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.

Private Instance Methods

LoadListeners Loads the listeners list from an XML file.
LoadSettings Loads the settings from an XML file.
LoadUsers Loads the userlist from an XML file.
SaveListeners Saves the listeners to an XML writer.
SaveSettings Saves the settings in this class to an XML writer.
SaveUsers Saves the authentication list to an XML writer.

See Also

ProxyConfig Class | Org.Mentalis.Proxy Namespace