Proxy Members Proxy Proxy Documentation

Proxy Members

Public Static (Shared) Methods

Main Entry point of the application.

Public Instance Constructors

Proxy Constructor Initializes a new Proxy instance.

Public Instance Methods

AddListener Adds a listener to the Listeners list.
CreateListener Creates a new Listener obejct from a given listener name and a given listener parameter string.
Equals (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
GetType (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
Start Starts a new Proxy server by reading the data from the configuration file and start listening on the specified ports.
Stop Stops the proxy server.
ToString (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.

Protected Instance Properties

Config Gets or sets the configuration object for this Proxy server.
Listeners Gets the collection that contains all the Listener objects.
StartTime Gets or sets the date when this Proxy server was first started.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Select the method name to go to the Microsoft documentation.
ShowAddListener Asks the user which listener to add.
ShowAddUser Asks the user which username to add.
ShowDelListener Asks the user which listener to delete.
ShowDelUser Asks the user which username to delete.
ShowHelp Shows a list of commands in the console.
ShowListeners Shows the Listeners list.
ShowUpTime Shows the uptime of this proxy server.
ShowUsers Shows a list of usernames in the console.
ShowVersion Shows the version number of this proxy server.

Internal Instance Properties

Item Gets the Listener object at the specified position.
ListenerCount Gets the number of Listener objects.

Private Instance Fields

m_ConfigHolds the value of the Config property.
m_ListenersHolds the value of the Listeners property.
m_StartTimeHolds the value of the StartTime property.

See Also

Proxy Class | Org.Mentalis.Proxy Namespace