FtpDataConnection Properties

Mentalis.org Proxy

Mentalis.org Proxy Documentation

FtpDataConnection Properties

The properties of the FtpDataConnection class are listed below. For a complete list of FtpDataConnection class members, see the FtpDataConnection Members topic.

Protected Instance Properties

Buffer (inherited from Client)Gets the buffer to store all the incoming data from the local client.
RemoteBuffer (inherited from Client)Gets the buffer to store all the incoming data from the remote host.

Internal Instance Properties

ExpectsReplyGets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether the FtpDataConnection expects a reply from the remote FTP server or not.

Private Instance Properties

FtpReplyGets or sets a string that stores the reply that has been sent from the remote FTP server.
ListenSocketGets or sets the Socket that's used to listen for incoming connections.
ParentGets or sets the parent of this FtpDataConnection.

See Also

FtpDataConnection Class | Org.Mentalis.Proxy.Ftp Namespace