HeightType Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

Returns or sets the width type for the specified frame on a frames page. Read/write WdFramesetSizeType.

WdFramesetSizeType can be one of these WdFramesetSizeType constants.
wdFramesetSizeTypePercent Microsoft Word interprets the height of the specified frame as a percentage of the screen width.
wdFramesetSizeTypeFixed Word interprets the height of the specified frame as a fixed value (in points).
wdFramesetSizeTypeRelative Word interprets the height of the specified frame relative to the width of other frames on the same frames page.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This example sets the height of the first Frameset object in the specified frames page to 25 percent of the window height.

With ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.Panes(1).Frameset
    .HeightType = wdFramesetSizeTypePercent
    .Height = 25
End With