CanvasShapes Collection
Represents the shapes in a drawing canvas.
Using the CanvasShapes collection
Use the CanvasItems property of either a Shape or ShapeRange object to return a CanvasShapes collection. To add shapes to a drawing canvas, use the following methods of the CanvasShapes collection: AddCallout, AddConnector AddCurve, AddLabel, AddLine, AddPicture, AddPolyline, AddShape, AddTextbox, AddTextEffect, or BuildFreeForm. The following example adds a drawing canvas to the active document and then adds three shapes to the drawing canvas.
Sub AddCanvasShapes()
Dim shpCanvas As Shape
Dim shpCanvasShapes As CanvasShapes
Dim shpCnvItem As Shape
'Adds a new canvas to the document
Set shpCanvas = ActiveDocument.Shapes _
.AddCanvas(Left:=100, Top:=75, _
Width:=50, Height:=75)
Set shpCanvasShapes = shpCanvas.CanvasItems
'Adds shapes to the CanvasShapes collection
With shpCanvasShapes
.AddShape Type:=msoShapeRectangle, _
Left:=0, Top:=0, Width:=50, Height:=50
.AddShape Type:=msoShapeOval, _
Left:=5, Top:=5, Width:=40, Height:=40
.AddShape Type:=msoShapeIsoscelesTriangle, _
Left:=0, Top:=25, Width:=50, Height:=50
End With
End Sub
Use CanvasItems (index), where index is the name or the index number, to return a single shape in the CanvasShapes collection. The following example sets the Line and Fill properties and vertically flips the third shape in a drawing canvas.
Sub CanvasShapeThree()
With ActiveDocument.Shapes(1).CanvasItems(3)
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(50, 0, 255)
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(50, 0, 255)
.Flip msoFlipVertical
End With
End Sub
Each shape is assigned a default name when it is created. For example, if you add three different shapes to a document, they might be named Rectangle 2, TextBox 3, and Oval 4. Use the Name property to reference the default name or to assign a more meaningful name to a shape.