FrameScrollBarType Property

Microsoft Word Visual Basic

Returns or sets when scroll bars are available for the specified frame when viewing its frames page in a Web browser. Read/write WdScrollbarType.

WdScrollbarType can be one of these WdScrollbarType constants.
wdScrollbarTypeNo Scroll bars are never available for the specified frame.
wdScrollbarTypeAuto Scroll bars are available for the specified frame only if the contents are too large to fit in the allotted space.
wdScrollbarTypeYes Scroll bars are always available for the specified frame.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


For more information on creating frames pages, see Creating frames pages.


This example makes scroll bars always available for the specified frame, regardless of whether the contents of the frame require scrolling.

With ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.Frameset
    .FrameDefaultURL = "C:\Documents\Order.htm"
    .FrameScrollBarType = wdScrollBarTypeYes
End With