Enter text, numbers, dates, and times in a spreadsheet
- Click the cell where you want to enter data.
- Type the data, and then press ENTER or the TAB key.
To separate the parts of a date, use a slash or a hyphen; for example, type 9/5/2002 or 5-Sep-2002.
To enter a time based on the 12-hour clock, type a space and then type AM or PM after the time; for example, type 9:00 PM. Otherwise, the spreadsheet enters the time as AM.
Precede formulas with an equal (=) sign.
To enter a hyperlink, type the URL address, beginning with a protocol such as http:// or ftp://, and then press ENTER.
To enter the same data in several cells, select the cells, type the data, and then press CTRL+ENTER.