FillColor Property

Microsoft Access Visual Basic

and Circle methods. You can also use this property with Visual Basic to create special visual effects on custom reports when you print using a color printer or preview the reports on a color monitor. Read/write Long.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The FillColor property contains a numeric expression that specifies the fill color for all boxes and circles.

You can set this property only by using a macro or a Visual Basic event procedure specified by a section's OnPrint event property.

You can use the RGB or QBColor functions to set this property. The FillColor property setting has a data type of Long.


The following example uses the Circle method to draw a circle and create a pie slice within the circle. Then it uses the FillColor and FillStyle properties to color the pie slice red. It also draws a line from the upper left to the center of the circle.

To try this example in Microsoft Access, create a new report. Set the OnPrint property of the Detail section to [Event Procedure]. Enter the following code in the report's module, then switch to Print Preview.

Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)

    Const conPI = 3.14159265359

    Dim sngHCtr As Single
    Dim sngVCtr As Single
    Dim sngRadius As Single
    Dim sngStart As Single
    Dim sngEnd As Single

    sngHCtr = Me.ScaleWidth / 2               ' Horizontal center.
    sngVCtr = Me.ScaleHeight / 2              ' Vertical center.
    sngRadius = Me.ScaleHeight / 3            ' Circle radius.
    Me.Circle (sngHCtr, sngVCtr), sngRadius   ' Draw circle.
    sngStart = -0.00000001                    ' Start of pie slice.

    sngEnd = -2 * conPI / 3                   ' End of pie slice.
    Me.FillColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)             ' Color pie slice red.
    Me.FillStyle = 0                          ' Fill pie slice.
    ' Draw Pie slice within circle
    Me.Circle (sngHCtr, sngVCtr), sngRadius, , sngStart, sngEnd

    ' Draw line to center of circle.
    Dim intColor As Integer
    Dim sngTop As Single, sngLeft As Single
    Dim sngWidth As Single, sngHeight As Single

    Me.ScaleMode = 3                          ' Set scale to pixels.
    sngTop = Me.ScaleTop                      ' Top inside edge.
    sngLeft = Me.ScaleLeft                    ' Left inside edge.
    sngWidth = Me.ScaleWidth / 2              ' Width inside edge.
    sngHeight = Me.ScaleHeight / 2            ' Height inside edge.
    intColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)                 ' Make color red.

    ' Draw line.
    Me.Line (sngTop, sngLeft)-(sngWidth, sngHeight), intColor

End Sub