AfterDelConfirm Event

Microsoft Access Visual Basic

Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)

Status    Indicates whether a record has been deleted. The Status argument can be any of the following intrinsic constants:

Constant Description

acDeleteOK Indicates the deletion was successful.

acDeleteCancel Indicates the deletion was canceled in Visual Basic.

acDeleteUserCancel Indicates the deletion was canceled by the user.


To run a macro or event procedure when these events occur, set the AfterDelConfirm property to the name of the macro or to [Event Procedure].

After a record is deleted, it's stored in a temporary buffer.

The AfterDelConfirm event occurs after a record or records are actually deleted or after a deletion or deletions are canceled. If the BeforeDelConfirm event isn't canceled, the AfterDelConfirm event occurs after the Delete Confirm dialog box is displayed. The AfterDelConfirm event occurs even if the BeforeDelConfirm event is canceled. The AfterDelConfirm event procedure returns status information about the deletion. For example, you can use a macro or event procedure associated with the AfterDelConfirm event to recalculate totals affected by the deletion of records.

If you cancel the Delete event, the AfterDelConfirm event does not occur and the Delete Confirm dialog box isn't displayed.

Note  The AfterDelConfirm event does not occur and the Delete Confirm dialog box isn't displayed if you clear the Record Changes check box under Confirm on the Edit/Find tab of the Options dialog box, available by clicking Options on the Tools menu.

By running a macro or an event procedure when the Delete event occurs, you can prevent a record from being deleted or allow a record to be deleted only under certain conditions. You can also use a Delete event to display a dialog box asking whether the user wants to delete a record before it's deleted.

To delete a record, you can click Delete Record on the Edit menu. This deletes the current record (the record indicated by the record selector). You can also click the record selector or click Select Record on the Edit menu to select the record, and then press the DEL key to delete it. If you click Delete Record, the record selector of the current record, or Select Record, the Exit and LostFocus events for the control that has the focus occur. If you've changed any data in the record, the BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate events for the record occur before the Exit and LostFocus events. If you click the record selector of a different record, the Current event for that record also occurs.

After you delete the record, the focus moves to the next record following the deleted record, and the Current event for that record occurs, followed by the Enter and GotFocus events for the first control in that record.

The BeforeDelConfirm event then occurs, just before Microsoft Access displays the Delete Confirm dialog box asking you to confirm the deletion. After you respond to the dialog box by confirming or canceling the deletion, the AfterDelConfirm event occurs.

You can delete one or more records at a time. The Delete event occurs after each record is deleted. This enables you to access the data in each record before it's actually deleted, and selectively confirm or cancel each deletion in the Delete macro or event procedure. When you delete more than one record, the Current event for the record following the last deleted record and the Enter and GotFocus events for the first control in this record don't occur until all the records are deleted. In other words, a Delete event occurs for each selected record, but no other events occur until all the selected records are deleted. The AfterDelConfirm event also does not occur until all the selected records are deleted.


You can use a Delete macro to display the Delete Confirm dialog box asking whether the user wants to delete a record before it's deleted.

You can use a BeforeDelConfirm or AfterDelConfirm macro to respond whenever the user deletes a record. However, the BeforeDelConfirm and AfterDelConfirm macros can't set the argument determining whether the Delete Confirm dialog box is displayed and can't return the argument indicating the status of the deletion, so you typically use event procedures with these events.

You can use the CancelEvent action in a Delete macro to cancel the deletion.

You can use the CancelEvent action in a BeforeDelConfirm macro to cancel the deletion of all the deleted records. If you do this, the Delete Confirm dialog box isn't displayed. However, the AfterDelConfirm event occurs even if you cancel the BeforeDelConfirm event.

You can't use the CancelEvent action in an AfterDelConfirm macro.


The following example shows how you can use the BeforeDelConfirm event procedure to suppress the Delete Confirm dialog box and display a custom dialog box when a record is deleted. It also shows how you can use the AfterDelConfirm event procedure to display a message indicating whether the deletion progressed in the usual way or whether it was canceled in Visual Basic or by the user.

Private Sub Form_BeforeDelConfirm(Cancel As Integer, _
        Response As Integer)
    ' Suppress default Delete Confirm dialog box.
    Response = acDataErrContinue
    ' Display custom dialog box.
    If MsgBox("Delete this record?", vbOKCancel) = vbCancel Then
        Cancel = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)      
    Select Case Status
        Case acDeleteOK  
            MsgBox "Deletion occurred normally."  
        Case acDeleteCancel  
            MsgBox "Programmer canceled the deletion."  
        Case acDeleteUserCancel  
            MsgBox "User canceled the deletion."     
    End Select 
End Sub