expression.Modify(Type, Operator, Expression1, Expression2)
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.
Type Required AcFormatConditionType.
AcFormatConditionType can be one of these AcFormatConditionType constants. |
acExpression |
acFieldHasFocus |
acFieldValue |
Operator Optional AcFormatConditionOperator.
AcFormatConditionOperator can be one of these AcFormatConditionOperator constants. |
acBetween default |
acEqual |
acGreaterThan |
acGreaterThanOrEqual |
acLessThan |
acLessThanOrEqual |
acNotBetween |
If the type argument is acExpression, the operator argument is ignored. If you leave this argument blank, the default constant (acBetween) is assumed. |
Expression1 Optional Variant. A Variant value or expression associated with the first part of the conditional format. Can be a constant value or a string value.
Expression2 Optional Variant. A Variant value or expression associated with the second part of the conditional format when the operator argument is acBetween or acNotBetween (otherwise, this argument is ignored). Can be a constant value or a string value.