
LuaFAR 3


result = far.Message (Msg, [Title], [Buttons], [Flags], [HelpTopic], [Id])

  Msg:       any type (usually: string)

  Title:     string

  Buttons:   string
    - button captions are separated by semicolons
    - default value is one button "OK"
    - empty string means no buttons
    - if Buttons starts with a semicolon (;), then it must be
      one of the following predefined strings (case insensitive):
        ";Ok", ";OkCancel", ";AbortRetryIgnore", ";YesNo",
        ";YesNoCancel", ";RetryCancel".

  Flags:     string
    it is checked if some predefined letters are present:
      'w' stands for FMSG_WARNING
      'e' stands for FMSG_ERRORTYPE
      'k' stands for FMSG_KEEPBACKGROUND
      'l' stands for FMSG_LEFTALIGN
      'n' stands for "no wrapping of long lines"

  HelpTopic: string

  Id:        string (GUID); default=plugin Id

  result: integer (1-based)

Note 1:
  Before calling FAR function Message, the function:
    a) wraps long lines (unless the flag 'n' is present), and
    b) limits the maximal number of lines and buttons.

Note 2:
  As in the original Message function, every line in Msg parameter
  that starts with \1 is treated as a single delimiter line;
  a line starting with \2 as a double delimiter line.

Far API used: