Version 2.5.0

LuaFAR 3

Version 2.5.0

Added functions

  1. far.CtrlGetPanelFormat
  2. far.CtrlGetPanelHostFile
  3. far.DialogInit
  4. far.DialogRun
  5. far.DialogFree
  6. regex:bracketscount

Extended functions

  1. far.AdvControl — added ACTL_PROGRESSNOTIFY.

Modified functions

  1. All reqular expression functions renamed to lower case.
  2. far.gsub – “invalid capture number” error in the replace pattern is detected before entering the search/replace loop.
  3. LF_RunDefaultScript – better error handling.

Bug fixes

  1. far.gsub – fix crash (poorly handled % at the end of the replace string).
  2. far.GetDlgItem, far.SendDlgMessage (DM_GETDLGITEM) – fix crash with invalid item number.


  1. LF_GetMinFarVersionW function is removed.
  2. New setting MINFARVERSION in the generic plugin’s makefile.